4 day elevator catasrophe

Thomas Fleetwood, 58 of Sweden, got trapped in his deserted hotel lift for 4 days without food, water, or heating. He was doing a final check at the hotel in the Austrian ski resort Bad Gastein when the compact individual lift broke down as he travelled from the fifth floor to the lobby. Unfortunately he left his cellular device in his office and as he lived by his lonesome there was nobody to sound the alarm. He said: "The lift has never broken down before, I just hadn't expected anything to happen. I broke a small glass panel at the front door of the lift and that gave me some fresh air, and tried to take off the roof of the lift to climb out, but that didn't help either." After the 4 day crisis a friend noticed his absence and his mail piling up on the front step of the hotel so he investigated, finding his friend trapped in the elevator. Mr. Fleetwood said: "It was foolish to have gone in the lift in an empty hotel without a mobile telephone, but I am proud of myself that I didn't panic and used my military training to get through. I would talk to myself and was making my plans for the future while I was stuck there."

I actually have gotten stuck in an elevator my self during the 8th grade trip to Washington D.C. with Christian Soll, Logan Schaben and Maddie Bak, on the way down to a dance in the breakfast room. Luckily there was an emergency telephone on the control panel where we contacted the front desk, but the fire department of the city we were in, Alexandria I believe, was unavailable to the public. So we waited for an hour for a fire crew to come 52 miles to the hotel. In the meantime I resorted to hysteria, the other 3 did not seem pleased with my wisecracks, but hey, haters gonna hate.

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  • i can't believe they didn't find him before 4 days and i wonder why there was no way for him to get help from inside the elevator?
    ps, i didn't think being stuck in the elevator was that bad

  • It is sad that it took 4 days for someone to finally realize that Alexandria was missing.  I wonder if anyone tried to contact the hotel or came to check in.  I am glad he safe.  I couldn't 4 days without food or water, heck I can't go 2 hours without food or I don't feel good.  He is smart for doing the things he did. 

  • Wow Im glad the guy is okay! It's a good thing someone found him! If I were him I would probably go crazy for talking to myself all the time...

  • No wonder some people are afraid of elvevators. four days is a real long time without the nesecities. this is an expierence he will never forget. i cant imagine. it's like a fancy deserted island modern day thing i would say.

  • 4 days is a long time to be stuck in an elevator. Personally, elevators are not my favorite mode of "travel" for this exact reason. You never know whats going on around you, there's no emergency exit and you don't always have a way to contact people if you get stuck! 4 days without food or water in a cold, hard elevator car does not sound like an environment I'd be able to keep a calm attitude in. To say the least...I'd be freaking!

  • I would probably be freaking out if I were stuck in an elevator. It's a good thing that the man knew how to handle it! That's pretty impressive. Also, I would be hungry, and I would be way to cold! I don't think I would survive. It is a good thing that this gentleman was able to be rescued! But honestly, 4 days?! You may want to check on the status of that friendship if it took 4 days!!

  • WOW HE IS A ELEVATOR HERO YOU GO FLEETWOOD YOU GO. like if i were in this situation i would be freaking out to say the least. like 4 days without food, water, OR heating!?!?!?!?! UGH i cant even imagine. so like this is a great example of why you should always eat a little more.... you never no when you will be in a situation like this.

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