In recent news a women who lives in Mexico but works in San Diego called the cops, but what makes this different was that it was on herself for un-knowingly bringing 30lbs. of marijuana to the U.S. She first noticed it when some men she claimed to not know started removing packages from under her car. The marijuana was attached with power full magnets in six different packages.
I think that there was a major fault in the border police.
What are your views?
Wow! That is crazy! I'm glad that she called it in and was very honest about it! I think the people who brought it in are kindof gross! That is not a good habit.
There are 2 things I don't like about this: border patrol let in that much illegal drugs, and this woman is playing the system. She has a job in America, but isn't an American citizen. So, she doesn't pay taxes but probably gets healthcare from her job.
I think the border control should have looked through her car a little better. I don't think that the border control people were doing their job very well.
WHOA THIS IS WEIRD...... we need to get the border more secure like these things shouldn't be happening... we need to secure that and it get it under control....
she did the right thing and called the cops
Why would she do that to herself? Did she want to be sent back? I think this is strange, but she probably wanted her marijuana back. Too bad that isn't going to happen. The border patrol is probably in some trouble for not noticing. I think harder vehicle checks will be necessary now.
im pretty sure at the border they search random and suspicious cars. and I'd be willing to bet that you have a special lane at border patrol if you travel across daily for work. that lane isn't probably patrolled as heavily as the other parts of border patrol. but i do agree that there is a major flaw in the system the should be fixed immediately or it could get really easy to smuggle drugs and guns across the border.
I hope this poor woman doesn't get in any trouble. She was completely innocent, and doesn't deserve to be punished. I think that the border control should have inspected her car, instead of just letting that much marijuana come to the U.S.
omg that is wild! good thing she called those police people
it's good she called the police, but i hope they don't think it's hers! i don't know how border control didn't find it