
Monday- dictatorship and oligrachy- dictatorship- form of government where one person has total power . examples- hitler, kim john un, adolf hitler. oligarchy- governement where small numbers of people rule. like wealthy landowners, royalty, or powerful military figures. examples- russia (modern day, 200 people) china and saudi arabia

socialism and capitalism- econimc system in which the governement owns and controls the produuction of goods and factoires and buisnesses. examples- soviet union, cuba, north korea, china, denmark. capitalism- an economic system where people own the prices of good within buisinesses.  examples- south korea, canada, united states of america, japan, germany 

Tuesday- Michelle Obamas new book talks about things like many miscarriages, marriage counseling, how they should have chose Clinton over Trump, and the importance of voting. E-ciggarrettes are becoming a problem among high schoolers, and people are worried that young people will start smoking if they get addicted to them. The FDA is telling them they can't make them good flavors that kids will like. 

Wednesday- No school!

Thursday- No school!

Friday- No school!

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