January 7-11

Monday: went over forum post stories and requirements,

WW1 in 5 mins: it was called the great war-spanned the world, lates 1800-imperialism, major countries takin over other colonies, militarism-building up militaries, nationalism-countries thought they were so much better than other countries, so countries form alliances just in case and other people have their back, July 1914 next king of Austria Hungary and was assassinated, Serbia hated them-started WW1, U.S. was neutral, Germany sunk our ships so we were mad, Germany tried to get Mexico to fight us, Mexico didn't declare against us, after 3 years we came in 1 year later WW1 ended (Turkey was known at Ottoman Empire), Treaty of Versi

League of Nations: U.S. didn't join

1920's, 1930's information, topics, groups have time to pick topics

Tuesday: Mr. Brun's talked about the topics more, key questions, started working

Wednesday: Quiz Thursday, Key questions, work time

Thursday: quiz over your topics, work time

Friday: talked about forum post leaders, work time

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