My Political Stance

My Foreign Policy Views
Score: -3.68

Political Spectrum Quiz
My Culture War Stance
Score: -3.39

Political Spectrum Quiz
I am more to the left.Which will mean I am more Democrat than Republican.Some of the things more important to me were homosexuality. Alot of people make a big deal about it, and it's their ilfe let them live it. How would you like it if they said you can't be with your partner, or denied you of someone you love. It's not fair. Another thing important was about being your morals. You need to have morals or else you will have no base of how to live. Basically, a rebel without a cause.Abortion, it's a big deal. Why would someone want to kill a human with life. I know that, like homosexuality, I said you shouldn't control someone's life. The difference is abortion is ENDING someone's life, not only controlling it. I just really don't agree on abortion.
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  • Great reflections!
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