Posted by 5Shelbie on September 14, 2009 at 11:08am
Today in class everyone talked about Obama's speech to the students. We all had to same assigned blog. Mr. Bruns just had us each put one point in about it or what we like about it. I agreed with a lot of the speech but, there were some points in it that i didn't like. When Obama was talking about hom there is no excuse to not do your homework and to drop out, even if you have a bad home life or don't have parents encouraging you. I disagree with that a little.The part of the speech that was controversial is that Obama was going to have a document go around and he was going to have students sign it saying that they wouldn't drop out of school. Some parents totally disagreed with this, they didn't want their kids signing it without them reading and know about it first. Obama's speech was mostly a motivational speech just encouraging kids to stay in school, work hard, and that our country depends on what decisions we make now. We need education to get jobs and make something of yourself as you grow up.