It was on September 11th, 2001 2 planes crashed into the WTC(World Trade Center). The attacks were conducted by Al Qaeda using 19 terrorists and 4 passenger jets. The third jet crashed into the Pentagon while the fourth crashed in Pennsylvania. In all 2,993 people died from the plane crashes. The NIST concluded that the towers collapsed due to the buildings being weak due to the powerful plane crashing into the towers.Summary- On September 11th, 2001- 19 Terrorists- 2 crashed into the towers-One into the Pentagon and the other in Pennsylvania- 2,993 people diedI Dont really remember a lot about 9/11, from what ive heard and seen on the History channel and so on it was a tragic day in our history. Ive watched the specials on tv about it and its amazing what went on on the aircraft in that short amount of time before it crashed.