"No, I would have never exspected to see this werid things to happen to the wolfs and it is sad to see that this happened. No, I don't even know a lot about Chernobyl, so I don't know anything cool about Chernobyl."
"I didn't see any tornados outside however I got close to seeing on, luckly it didnt hit our house and everyone in my family is safe and was never hurt. Nobody that I knew got hurt by the torando. But I did see all the damage."
"I am taking Spanish 1 right now, and next year I am taking Spanish 2. I would like to learn something like Russian or German. I really only speak 1 (english) because I really suck at spanish and dont really know a lot of it."
"No, the bay of pigs was very unsuccesful which lead to the cuba missle crisis where we almost went to nucular war. If I was apart of this war then I would have fought for my country even if I thought it was wrong."
"I feel that there should be more done but its not our biggest issue, however, it could become bigger. I don't really know what I would do if someone that was close to me got hurt or was in one of these because theres not much I could do."
"Yes, I think that they should be able to carry guns on school grounds if they pass certain test and requirments. I feel like some stuidents will feel safer and other will feal less safe beacuse some stuidents do not belive in that. "
"I don't enjoy math but I also don't dislike it at times, I like it when I understand it and can help someone else but I don't like it when it gets hard. My favorite subject it probably history I enjoy learning about that kind of stuff and I…"
"No, I also don't really do any sports I did do cheer, however there are not compitions in cheer. I think that it should as long as it doesn't turn into violence, then i sould be ok. I think it can sometimes make the team even more mad and help the…"
"No, I dont think that schools should ban cell phones, I think that they should be able to have them out in class unless the teacher says they can. Yes, it can be important to have it on you in class, your mom or dad could call with some important…"
"Yes, I would join the air force, becasuse they have great benifits, and I would be serving my country. No, I think our air force is increadably helpful and we deffantly need it. I think being a pilot would be cool but hard at the same time. But I…"
"I feel like Earth Day helps a little bit, but honsetly I don't know that a lot of people know when earth day even is. I try to take care of the earth trought the year but a lot of times I just forget. I try to take care of the earth by not wasting…"
"I do think that OJ committed the murders there is just to much evidence that proves he did it. No, I have not seen any of the O,J's movies. I didn't even know that he had any movies, I think that its kinda cool that he has some movies "
"I don't think that Rosemary should have gotten the procedure, I think that she should have do a bunch a reshearch before doing the procedure. I don't think that it wasn't right for her father to have made her get the procceddure. No, I think I would…"
"I did know a little about the history of our army but not a lot. Yes, I do think that the information is useful becasue it is part of the history of the united states. No, I do not know anything else about the history of our army."
"No, I don't think that he could have done this alone. I would freak out, it would be at least a little scary to have someone shot right next to you. Yes, I have heard all about the JFK assasination, and yes I have also heard about a lot of the…"
"No, I don't really fallow the news so I didn't hear about the washington wildfires going on. I think that people should be more carefull with these fires going on and should be in a burn ban. No, I wouldnt be willing to live there if I knew these…"
"No, I don't agree with the death penatlys. I think that if you did something that bad you should have to live with the same in jail. But also what if you put the innocent person on the death penalty later you couldnt change it but if they were just…"
"I would feel very angry and sad, but I couldn't really do anyhting about it. No, I think they thought it helped when it really doesn't it was basicly torcher back in the day. I don't think society treats mentally hospitals good and I think they…"
"Yes, I do read the amber alerts that I get because it might be helpfull some day. Yes, I do think they are helpful. They help get the word out to surronding areas that could be helpfull. I would call the cops and veiw from a safe distance so I…"
"I think that I should be kept because there are a lot of small business that depend on Tik Tok to sell stuff and is they ban it then those business won't be able to sell, I do use Tik Tok but not that often. I think Tik Tok is completly safe to use."
"No, I have never been to White Caslte but I have heard of it. If I had to chose my favorite fast food it would probably be hardes becasue they have good bugers. I don't really know if I prefer back then or now fast food. "
"I heard of this case and there is a movie about it I think. It is tradic and sad and no one should go through that. I would be scared out of my mind if I was him. No I don't think that the U.S continue with this it is brudtal and anyone who did a…"
"If I receved candy insteed of bulets then I would defenetly be confused and wonder what was going on. I think that there might have been a mix up with the order or code. I think that I could survive on Tootsie Rolls for two weeks however I think I…"
"I am not involved in that rap beef, but I do have lots of diffrent songs and generes and a lot of them are rap I listen to that playlist almost everyday. I have been listening to rap for a few years now and still love the same people and there songs."
"I do kinda think alines esxsit but i don't really care about it that much to look into it. However if they came to earth I would be shocked as thats not a normal occurance. No, I don't think that the goverment is hiding a alien from us it would be…"
"No, I have never been to Florida or disney world, I think it would be fun to go to both but a lot of kids at disney world and also long lines. I like to play basketball but im not good at it."
"I think and hope that the harlan team goes far this year. I don't know a lot about soccer or the teams becasue I never watch it. I have no idea who is going to win the 2026 world cup as I know none of the teams. "
"No I have never attended a college/professional volleyball game but I would like to with my friend that loves volleyball. I think that the PVF will continue to grow. Yes I think that volleyball will gain more popularity becasue this leage. "
"No I havn't ever wachted March Madness im not that into basketball. No I didn't have a favorite team in March Madness, no I have never participated in making a March Madness Bracket and if I did then I would guess because I would know nothing. "
"I think that the selective system could be used today because if you need people to fight for the country then how else are you going to get people to fight. I think it would only be fair if women had register. I wouldnt want to be drafted but if I…"
"I think that minimum should be changed not to much but at least a little bit. Becasue many people already struggle with minimum wage and can barley get by. I think that it should be around $10.45 ish, I think that might help a little."
"Yes, I have been impacted by social media before and I think it has been both ways. I think that social media can be benefical to society to a point, and I think that small businesses would drop a lot."
"No, I have never watched the Oscars I don't really get the point of it. If I won a Oscar it might be for "Most Movie Fanatic" becasue I dont really know any of them. I prefer Barbie because i havnt seen any other of the movies "
"The number of deaths and addictions did suprise me because I don't really read or look into this stuff it did make me sad tho. I do not know that much about this so I don't know any other causes of fentanyl addictions. No, I don't because I think…"
"I have heard of the Salem Witch Trials but I don't know much about them. I do not believe in Witches and Witchcraft because I feel that that was just made up and an exsuce. No I don't think that this could ever or will ever happen agian. "
"If I got the chance to name a state whatever I wanted, I would ask for help becasue I can't even think of a name. I would never name a state after me I feel like that is werid. I think it would have been cool but I think that our states are good as…"
"I like coffee every once and a while but not all the time. I go to Scooters with my friends before school sometimes or before cheer practice. I normally get ethier a smoothe if its before cheer but sometiems before shcool I try diffrent things. "
"I think that AI can be helpful at times but its getting to be a little much, I know its never going to go away tho. I don't use AI on a daliy bases but I do use it for work sometimes with setting timers. I think that AI is helpful but I don't think…"