"I also think there should be more control in more criminalized countries. I agree with not as much protection in our country but things still need to be done to lessen gang and cartel problems. Calling the police would probably be the best…"
"I watched the tornadoes for a little while and even went to go check out the damage afterwards around town and nothing got damaged badly. Some people I know got hit by it and it either wrecked everything or took barns or other buildings."
"I don't watch NHL but sometimes i'll stop and watch it on the tv for a little while. My favorite is Golden knights because they are a good team and I think they have a good chance of winning and beating the other teams this season and to take home…"
"I prefer burger over hotdogs I didnt know burgers were made in the united states because most foods were made in other countries and I assumed the same with burgers I like getting burgers from mcdonalds because its one of the closer resturants with…"
There are many different cartels and gangs around the world that cause lots of problems and lots of deaths especially in smaller more crime ridden countries. But not all are just in small countries. Drug cartels and gangs have even spread into…
"I wouldnt enjoy show choir but I feel it can be fun to watch sometimes and listen to. I've heard of it before but I dont ever really talk about it. I wouldnt try show choir because I dont enjoy doing things on stages and I dont think I'd be able to…"
"I enjoy talking a little bit of trash in sports only when someone on the opposing team is making me mad but most of the time I just have friendly talks with oppoents. I dont think it should be banned I think watching sports and seeing trash talk is…"
"No I dont enjoy math its really boring sometimes its kind of enjoyable when im very confident in the math I'm learning. Historys my favorite subject as it has much more intresting things to learn about than math. I dont want to do math in my future…"
"I don't think schools should ban cell phones because most students wouldnt listen anyways and there would be problems with students arguing with it. I dont think students should be able to have there phones in class unless the teacher is done…"
"I think teachers should be allowed to have guns on school grounds but only some teachers that do specific things to be able to have the gun and make sure that there save to have them. I think the profesional development idea is a good idea so if…"
"I don't think she should have but there wasn't much she could do when her father was making her get it done. I don't think it was right with the risks and involved as well as her already having mental dissabilities and problems before the surgery."
"I think O.J didn't do it even though there is lots of evidence against him and hes made lots of jokes about it O.J better and did not commit the crimes and was to busy being a double baller and an actor. He also won the cases so he couldnt have done…"
"I don't really take care of the earth but I don't harm it either. I don't take care of the earth on earth day but i've seen many videos of people helping the earth. I think earth day helps the enviroment because there are many events on earth day…"
"I don't know much of the history about are army besides some of the wars they've been in. I think this information is useful as its nice to know about the past information about our amry and our country to know what its been through and what out…"
"I don't think he did it alone most assasinations I think are planned by bigger groups. If someone was shot next to me i'd probably just run away or find the best cover in the nearest area. I've heard of the jfk assasination and i've seen some things…"
"I've never been to disney world or disneyland. I've never been before but I think it would be fun and I'd have a good time. I've never been there but I'd enjoy the roller coasters and the food there."
"I don't think it should be banned and that people are overeacting and trying to get it banned. I use tiktok I don't know how often a day but probably around an hour. I think its save to use but there are some problems that need to be fixed but its…"
"I think that its a tragedy and very sad I believe the investigation is going to go on for a long time as people will want to find out how exactly it happened and to be able to find all the workers bodies as well as the people on the bridge at the…"
"I agree with the death penalty but there should be heavy investigation and evidence before it is decided. I think it doesnt matter if they have mental health problems because if your getting the death penalty the crime had to have been terrible and…"
"I've never golfed before except messing around with it for fun and mini golf I enjoy mini golf over actual gold because its a lot more simple and fun and more of a thing you can do with your family and friends. I also like swimming, fishing, and…"
"I don't know if aliens exist I belive it's a possibility with how much space there is I would probobly be scared depending on what they looked like the government has probobly has found traces of aliens but if they did find any they wouldn't tell…"
"I don't care much about april fools day I think its funny though and i've only done one prank on my dad where I put a fake snake in my dads bed and I thought it was pretty funny. I didn't know about the history of april fools before this. "
"I think we should keep the system just in case a big war ever does break out and our military needs the extra support I don't think woman should have to but it should be an option I'd prefer not to be drafted but if I had to I would."
"I've never been to Florida but I hope to go there eventually in my life and I don't play basketball but its fun to watch sometimes and I think its an intresting sport and fun to just mess around and play it sometimes."
"Makeup has already changed a lot througout our current years so I bet it'll change more as time goes on and makeup is not too much a lot of the time its just when its over applied and used."
"I've never attended a college/professional volleyball game it could be fun though and I think it will gain more popularity with the league as more people will hear about volleyball and wan't to play it."
"I would'nt personally trap animals but it could be something I would do and trapping is probably lethal most of the time for the animal as they are trapped and injured as well as not being able to go hunt or drink any water."
"I'm actually not a big fan of peanut butter cups but sometimes in small amounts there good such as peanut butter cup ice cream or peanut butter cup MnM's as there isnt as mucn peanut butter put in them as there is the original."
"Most of Mcdonalds options probably arent the healthiest but they taste good so its fine and I enjoy the mcflurries at mcdonalds even though they have the very creepy mascot Ronald Mcdonald."
"I feel like both places have there pros and cons but I prefer going to Mcd's but I go to BK much more often because I live much closer to BK the I do McD's but they both have there own special menu options that makes them better at diferent times. "
"I think the minimum wage should be raised because being paid more would be nice and it'll make more teenagers want to work more if there getting more pay and lots of places that hire teenages wont have to worry about short staff."
"I think subway could be a little cheaper but its worth it because you can get whatever you want on the sandwhich and when I go I usually like to try something new everyime cause of how many options there are to make your sandwhich diferent.
"I agree with you the prison system is alright as it is now but with all the problems with prisoners there should be more gaurds for the safety of the gaurds themselves and from for the violence between the prisoners themselves."
"No matter what the prisoner did I agree with you prisons should still be strict and keep inmates in check and with that giving the gaurds more protection will make that easier for them."
"I agree but I think it depends on the crime and what evidence is shown as if they commited mass genocide and theres video recording of them doing it they should be in prison for life but with other things such as smaller crimes they should have a…"
"I understand where your coming from but I think prisons are already strict enough and in some cases they don't even belong in prison so you'd be making it even worse for those people I do agree with gaurds needing more protection."
"I agree with you as prisoners do the time based off what they did and how bad it was and guards should have more protection with how often their attacked."
There are many pros and cons of our American prisons as it's a very bad place to be but the cruelty of prisons also makes people not want to go to them. But in some situtions such as framing and getting punished unfairly theres no avoiding prison…
"I've never pheasants hunted before but it might be fun i've never tried pheasant it could be good though. I'd never heard about this orginazation before reading this."
"I think there are some positives and negatives of not being or being allied with Russia as they are a strong counrty and if we allied with them we would be very save in most wars having a strong ally and we can steer them away from attacking other…"
"I'm not in FFA I don't know if i'd ever join cause its just not something I'm really intrested in. My favorite thing about FFA week is all the people walking around in the fancy FFA outfits."
"I would donate my money to charity for these animals but it wouldnt be a first option as I think there are other more important charities in the world such as cancer charites and other charities that help support people in need and that have…"
"I didn't know about this exorcism case I havent heard of any other exorcism cases besides ones in movies. I would still go there in night as it happned 7 years ago and how she felt about religion and her church seem weird and intresting but shouldnt…"
"I think air pollution is bad because its bad for the enviroment and helps to to the downfall of our planet and if not fixed we'll have to find new places to live at cause our planet will be inhabitable as the air will be toxic to breath in."
"I would help with the war if I had to because I dont think a big country like russia should just be able to beat up on smaller countries like ukraine. I think the U.S should step in because Ukraine would lose the war without the extra help."
"I think it should be the same because people don't stop growing until then and if people start drinking to early it could cause the brain to not develop fully as well as if they were younger they may give it to there friends who arent allowed to…"
"No I wouldn't have attended because they were blatantly racist and monsters towards Jewish people. As well as that they were starting stuff. I think it should have been cancelled and ran somewhere else more safe and respectful to all people."
"I think gas powered cars are better because they can run for longer and work better during winter months. They are also a lot more avalible and not all places have charging stations. I have a 2010 white crown vic."