Should Religion Be Taught In Public Schools?

The word religion is explained as "The belief in and worship of superhuman power or powers, especially a God or gods." There are currently over 4,000 religions, including faith groups, or different brances of church. Hinduism is the world's oldest religion. Hinduism goes back more than 4,000 years. Today, with more than 1 billion followers, Hinduism is one of the biggest religion worldwide, after Christianity and Islam. 

Religion being taught in public school is a very controversial topic, there are many pros and cons for this. Many people believe no because they think that everyone should be able to make their own decisions and "be free" that it should not be forced. People have also said it could potentially create conflicts between those who are religion and those who are athiest but, Many also believe in both yes and no becuase they think that it should be taught in school but not forced for everyone to learn because some will say that making this a mandatory in not giving us the freedom we are told we have because "religion is a choice, not mandatory." 

Many people believe yes because they think that it is important that everyone should have the opportunity to learn, be able to ask questions and able to get an educated anwser. Those who believe more on that they should not be able to teach in school have said "Religion can be taught at home" But those who haved anwsered  yes  have replied with saying that is not always the case because "some children want to learn about religion but with the advirment they are surrounded by causes them to not be able to" 

My opinion on religion being taught in school is a definite yes, I think that students should have the opportunity to learn more, I do not think that it should be mandatory, I think this because I do not want those who don't want to be there have to be forced, but I definitely think it would be a great idea to include it as potentially a class.



Do you believe Religion can be taught at home?

Do you think Religion should be taught at school and for everyone to forced to learn? 

What are yout thoughts on making this a optional class?,has%20had%20on%20my%20students.

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  • Great topic choice and summary Sophia! You did a great job replying to students as well! I would have liked you to focus on the history of religion being taught in US public schools as it used to be ok.

  • I belive that religon should be taught at home because people at school have very diffrent opinions and diffrent belieffs so i think if you dont want conflic and fights about what religon you are apart of than you should more an less just teach it at your house.

    • I agree with you, kids might get bullied at school because of what they belive in. it also putting a lot of work into kids that mabye dones't want to learn about any religion, and schools are just giving more work to people. I think it should be tuaght at home because they'll have more time to think about religion.

  • I believe that religion should be taught at home, not because people believe different religions, but because people might have differnt opinions. But I would take a class for religion not talking about religion in a class that has nothing associated with religion.

    • I believe that this class should not be about opinion based, I think that if we do have an religion class it should be about learning about God and other religions history. 

  • Do you think Religion should be taught at school and for everyone to forced to learn? No, I do not believe that religion should be a forced subject at school. This is because different households may want their children to learn and practice different religions. Even the bible says that religion should be an option and shouldn't be forced but instead should be a personal choice. 

  • Should religion be taught in public schools? I think it should as long as it isn't required and students can choose what religion they practice. Because it can violate the rule that the government keeps religion seperate. It can make students feel left out if they do not all believe in the same religion.

  • Do you think Religion should be taught at school and for everyone to forced to learn?  me personely yes i do most would say know since not everyone is the same religoun. another reason for the no is that most pepole wouldnt pay any atention in ther anyways 

  • Do you believe Religion can be taught at home? I belive yes. I can watch mass at home and My mom has been my ccd teacher and i feel like that could teach me alot.

    • I definitely think that some are able to learn about religion at home but, that is because I have be fortunate to have parents that help me enhance my faith and educate me, when thinking about those who are not able to learn at home, I think that this as an optional class whould be great for those who can learn at home and are wanting to learn more but also those are not able to but want to learn more. 

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