Should all schools have uniforms?

 Tradionally favored by private schools, school uniforms are being adopted by public schools in the US. Most school uniforms are required by elementry schools more than middle schools and high schools. The first recorded use of school uniforms was in England in 1222, when a school called the Archbishop of Canterburry made the students wear a robe like outfit called the "cappa clausa". Later in time the school uniform became associated with the upper class and mostly were worn by Englands most respected schools. School uniforms in the US were mostly reserved for only private schools, But in the late 1800's the government mandated boarding schools for Native American Children to wear millitary inspired outfits.

Most people think that we should have school uniforms for alot of reasons. Number 1 they are known to lower crime and increase student saftey becuase they dont allow for students to hide weapons under baggy clothes or make an intuder in a school alot easier to see becuase they aren't wearing a school uniform. Another reason people think we should have school uniforms is becuase it allows students to be focused on their work and not their clothes. It allso allows people to fit in much better. Some cons of not having school uniforms is it dosen't actually lead to less bullying. “Overall, there is no evidence in bullying literature that supports a reduction in violence due to school uniforms, explains Tony Volk, Associate Professor at Brock University. Another con of not having a school uniform is that school uniforms do not approve schoold attendance, academics, or test results. A study that anylized 10th graders found no effect on behaveiral problems, substance use on campus like nicotine, and no effect on pro school attitudes. They are also often ichy and make kids less engaged on their work and more worried about their clothes.

In my opion I don't think that we should have school uniforms becuase it is proven that is does not approve bullying or something like school attendance. Though it might make 


Would you wear a school uniform?

Do you think school uniforms would improve attentiveness and test scores at our school?

What do you think about school uniforms?

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  • Good topic choice and well done overall Dalton! I do think you could have replied a few more times and I would like you to expamd a bit more on your thoughts and opinions.

  • I don't think I would wear a school uniform because I would be comfortable in it and wouldn't be able to express myself with my clothes. I think it would have no correlation with test scores. I think that they are ok but just not mandatory 

  • Personally, I would refuse to wear a school uniform. They limit individuality and create a standard that I feel shouldn't be held. There is no evidence behind the arguement of Improved acedemic funtion from the students, and I find it foolish to force a seemingly useless article of clothing onto unwilling students. 

  • I dont think that we should have school uniforms because why should the school pick what you wear, and if your wearing a school uniform you will still get bulied and still be absent at school it wouldent chang a thing more an less it would cause the kids to constanly break the rules 

  • I dont think we should have uniforms because I would like everyone to feel confident and confortable it what they are wearing, I think uniforms should be the last option if the dress code somehow is not working out for some. 

  • I wouldn't want to wear school unifroms and I think most people would agree. I dont think having uniforms would help people paying attention in class also, everyone attention span is differnt its not just about what someone wears. But I would want to be comfortable in my own style so I prefer no uniform

  • I wouldn't wear a school uniform. I think that uniforms don't really make a big difference. I dont think it maks that big of a diffrence they wont make test scoress or any scores go up and then thats one more thing that pepole could get in troubel for 

  • I dont think we should have school uniforms. I think that kids should get to pick what they would like to wear. That way kids have more options and a wider range to pick what they feel most comfortable and best in. You would have to cycle through the same clothes and it would just get boring and could be a hassel to get them washed and ready by the morning.

  • I wouldn't wear a school uniform. I think that uniforms don't really make a big difference. I feel like they don't make a difference in attentiveness and test scores. I just feel like uniforms are a hassle that people don't need to worry about.

    • I agree, Having to worry about washing your uniforms and havind to worry about them being perfect is streesful and a hassle, Its also proven to not improve test scores and academics.

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