Should all schools have uniforms?

 Tradionally favored by private schools, school uniforms are being adopted by public schools in the US. Most school uniforms are required by elementry schools more than middle schools and high schools. The first recorded use of school uniforms was in England in 1222, when a school called the Archbishop of Canterburry made the students wear a robe like outfit called the "cappa clausa". Later in time the school uniform became associated with the upper class and mostly were worn by Englands most respected schools. School uniforms in the US were mostly reserved for only private schools, But in the late 1800's the government mandated boarding schools for Native American Children to wear millitary inspired outfits.

Most people think that we should have school uniforms for alot of reasons. Number 1 they are known to lower crime and increase student saftey becuase they dont allow for students to hide weapons under baggy clothes or make an intuder in a school alot easier to see becuase they aren't wearing a school uniform. Another reason people think we should have school uniforms is becuase it allows students to be focused on their work and not their clothes. It allso allows people to fit in much better. Some cons of not having school uniforms is it dosen't actually lead to less bullying. “Overall, there is no evidence in bullying literature that supports a reduction in violence due to school uniforms, explains Tony Volk, Associate Professor at Brock University. Another con of not having a school uniform is that school uniforms do not approve schoold attendance, academics, or test results. A study that anylized 10th graders found no effect on behaveiral problems, substance use on campus like nicotine, and no effect on pro school attitudes. They are also often ichy and make kids less engaged on their work and more worried about their clothes.

In my opion I don't think that we should have school uniforms becuase it is proven that is does not approve bullying or something like school attendance. Though it might make 


Would you wear a school uniform?

Do you think school uniforms would improve attentiveness and test scores at our school?

What do you think about school uniforms?

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  • No, I would not want to wear a school uniform. I do not think uniforms would improve attentiveness nor test scores, as I think what people wear has nothing to do with either of those subjects. If anything, I think having to wear uniforms would decrease attendance. 

  • no I woundn't want to wear uniforms becasue i think they would be uncomfterable. No I think less kids would want to go to school and test score wouldnt inprove I think that school uniforms wouldn't help school preform better and would just make students dislike school. 

    • I agree, they are often very uncomfertable and they are proven to not raise test scores and mabe even lower them.

  • No I would not wear uniforms cause I think our school dress code is already enough. No, I don't think uniforms would improve our test scores because  clothes do not affect our learning abilities. I think uniforms would not be a good addition to our school policy.

    • I agree with your staetement about the dress code. The dress code is already effects most people in schools from wearing skulls, guns, and bad word ect, so I think that is already enough of a code. Then for uniforms improving our test scores how does that even make sense. Wearing clothes that don't help you at all in test, so how does that effect test scores. 

  • I think that schools should not have school uniforms. What if a student doesn't like it or it is bothering them. I feel like a school uniform would be uncomfortable and get boring after a while. I don't think it helps with attendence and test scores. If I feel good on test days then I will do good but if my school uniform is bothering me I wouldn't do as good. Same with attendence I would want to wear whatever I want to so I can feel and do my best at school.

  • i think some schools, like ones in bad cities and such. having uniforms show good public display for others witch helps boost confadance. it will also prepair them for the real world.

    • I agree that a school having a uniform could make the school look better and that it could boost the morale of the school. But most of the schools in bad areas can't afford school unuiforms. So therefore most of the schools that have school uniforms are wealthy private schools.

  • I don't really think that schools should have uniforms due to the fact that some uniforms can be more uncomfortable than your everyday school outfits from home. There are also no benefits to students with school uniforms. Besides, it would save the school time and money not to make uniforms.

  • I think school should not have uniforms. I feel it gives the students no creativity, no indivuailism, and makes everyone look the same. And personally i would hate wearing a skirt to school everyday. And then having to wash my uniform everyday would just be a hassle. 

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