Oklahoma recently passed a law requiring all schools and teachers to have a Christian Bible in their classroom and teach about it and the Ten Commandments(see picture below). Texas, Utah, and Louisiana require all teachers to have the Ten Commandments posted in their classroom. The US constitutions First Amendment guarantees "freedom of religion" and also forbids the government from establishing a religion. Public schools are a government sponsored organization. In 1879, the US Supreme Court used the phrase "separation of church and state" to describe the meaning of the First Amendment's religion clauses. Separation of church and state means that the government should not interfere with religion and that religion should not control each other.
I think they should be required to teach like a small lesson every day from it and that would be something I think I would benefit from as a christian. I sin just like every other christian and stuff like this could bring others like myself closer to god. I think the book that they teach from would just depend on the majority of the class. If most of the people in the class are a certain religion then that should be the book that bthe teacher would teach from. I also think that teachers shoukd be able to teach about religion without getting punished.
I believe that their should be a small portion of time in the day for a prayer like a bible study class or even a WIN time in our school. I also think that teachers shouldn't be punished at all if they talk about religion. The time has to be right for a teacher to mention their religious beliefs. I believe in the God and I sin quite a bit, so having something like a bible study can help me understand God even more. I love hearing other people relashionships with God and how they grow closer to him.
I don't think that teachers should be able to teach from the bible. Students should not be pressured into doing something that they don't want to do. If kids don't believe in God, then why would they want to follow the 10 commandments. I do believe that they could teach bible teachings without forcing it onto the students, however the 10 commandments are a set of guidelines to live by, which would force the students to living by them. I think that this would cause too many arguments, so therefore I am against having teachers teach religion in school's. I also think that teachers should not be forced, to teach religion if they don't believe in it themselves.
I think that teachers should not be required to teach the from The Bible and the Ten Commandments. It could be making the kids feel pressured into following one religion and that this religion is more superior to others. Obviously we have the freedom of religion and we can have different beliefs than other people. Things like you shall not murder or you shall not steal are things every person knows not to do. But when things like to remember the Sabbath day and to keep it holy should not be able to make students follow one religion. Religion should stay out out of schools and should be taught by parents or churches.
My religoun plays a big role in my life. I feel like teachers should not be forced to teach from the holy bible. Although the bible is very well I feel like schools should not force kids to learn about it if they dont choose to. I also would not like any of the other books to be taugh in schools. If religoun was taught in schools I feel like that would lead to so many conflicts. Like parents might get upset, or students just drop out or just skip class because they do not wanna learn about this. This is why I feel like religon should stay sepertated from schools.
While religion is a big part in many peoples lives, I do not think it should be overly brought into schools. Some people don't have beliefs and this in a way would be pushing it on them. While it could be postive there is too many ways it could fail. School and religion should stay seperate because it leaves room for everybody to continue in their own beliefs. I also do not think teachers should be forced to teach from the bible because there has been a law against that for quite some time. This might make things confusing for some or maybe even overwelming.
I think that this should stay out of schools. It would be a lot of pressure towards many different kids in all different ways. Some might feel like they have to believe in something they dont want to. I think there will always be a problem when it comes to this topic. I think there are definatly a few 10 commendments that could be passed to be taught in school just not all of them. Also i do not think teachers should be requiered to teahc from the Holy Bible. There are once again so many pros and cons of this topic and so many different ways poeple can put their thoughts into it.
I don't belive it was the right desicion to force the 10 commandments into school. As americans we have the right to freedom of religon so no one should be forced to follow a certain religion because of a law in schools. Although some of the 10 commandment like "you shall not murder" are basic and can be tought in a diffrent manner, but something like "remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy" should stay out of schools. This also applies to other religions.
As a Christian, my religion plays a significant part in my life, but it shouldn't be taught in schools. I also think that certain things like the Ten Commandments could be taught in schools because they are basic ways you should live your life. Public schools should keep church and state separate, even though the Bible has good moral teachings like honesty, kindness, and respect. I also would not want any different religious books, like the Koran to be taught in schools either. If religion was taught in schools it could lead to an unbalance of one religion getting more attention than the other. Overall, the Ten Commandments are very good moral teachings and public schools can include those as a broad range of beliefs all students should agree on. Schools should be able to respect all faiths and not be biased toward a certain one.
I personally don't think that schools should be required to teach a certain religion especially if there are people who don't neccesarily agree to that religion. I think that people can have their own opinions and should be able to support any religion that they want. However, I think that as a Christian myself that there could be some benefits in having a bible or the ten commandments. For example, it could really help people who might not have a close relationship with God better themselves as people. Overall I think that many people would be oppsosed to requiring to have a bible or the ten commandments in classrooms, and I think that people should not be "forced" under a religion, and can have their own opinions about what religion they support.