Question of the Week 3-Abortion

This weeks topic is on abortion, specifically the abortion pill. In 1973, the US Supreme Court ruled in Roe v. Wade, that women have the right to an abortion. Prior to this case, abortion laws were on a state by state basis. Then in 2022, the US Supreme Court Case overturned the Roe case in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization. This decision pushed the abortion issue back to the states(see map below).

The new heated abortion issue in our country is the abortion pill. The abortion ill, which was ok'd in the US in 2000, now makes up 63% of all abortions in the US. Recently a doctor from New York, which allows abortions, sent the abortion pill to a woman in Texas, which does not allow abortions in most cases. The New York doctor has been fined over $100,000 by Texas. The same doctor is also in trouble with the State of Louisiana for a similar situation. Louisiana wants the doctor to be extradited from New York to Louisiana to face her crime but the Governor of New York is refusing to do so.

What are your thoughts on this situation?



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  • I think that abortion is wrong, therefore I would personally not go out of my way to give it somebody across the country. If they really wanted it done they could of came to New York. I thing that the doctor should face charges, because she willingly sent the pill across the country where it is illegal. I assume that Texas will go after this doctor, because they don't want people to think that they can do similar things in the future. 

  • I beleive that the docter was aware of what she was doing and still chose to do it. I think she should have consequences and be charged. She most likley knew that abortion was illegal in that state but she was still deciding to send the pill. I also think that the mom that was getting the abortion shouldve went to that state to get the pill by herself if she wanted it that badly. 

  • I feel like you shouldn't be able to get an abortion because you are killing someone. Also, the doctor shouldn't be able to have their job anymore because the doctor sent the abortion pill to the person in Texas when they don't allow the pill in Texas in most cases. The governor should not be able to defend her since she did it twice in two states and still hasn't faced the consequences.

  • I think the doctor in New York should be fined for sending the pill to a woman out of her state. Not only is this disrespetful of that state's laws, but if she isn't a registered doctor in that state, she could possibly face medical malpractice. I think instead of sending the pill to her, she should have tried to find a way to get the lady from Texas to New York so she could have the abortion. My belief is and always will be that it is a woman's right to have an abortion, but a doctor breaking a state's laws to get it to her isn't right.

  • I think that the doctor knew that it was ilegal and she still decided to do it. If that person wanted the pill that bad they should have went up there and got it themselfs. The doctor should have consequences because she knew what she was doing was wrong and against that states law. This should not be allowed and the New Yorks governer should not be defending her beause what she did was wrong and they know it. 

  • I think that if this doctor was aware that she was sending this pill to a state that had said no to abortion and still decided to do it then she should be charged and punished. She most likely did know about the abortion law in the states that she sent the pills to so i personally think she should be held completely liable and should be extradited regardless of how much the governer tries to keep her there.

  • I think if someone is sending these abortion pills to another person who is in a state where it is illegal they should have to deal with the punishment. If they don't have to serve a punishment it would just show that maybe laws don't just don't matter at all as long as another state disagrees.

  • I think this situation of a New York doctor sending abortion pills to states where abortion is banned should not be allowed. Since the Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade, the problem of abortion is now determined by states, so if a state has chosen to ban or restrict abortion, then those laws should be respected. In this case, Texas and Louisiana have laws that don't allow abortion, and by sending pills to these states, the doctor is knowingly violating their laws. Even though New York allows abortions that does not mean a New York doctor does not have to follow the laws of another state. Overall, I think that since states are allowed to have their own abortion laws they should be able to enforce them.

  • I think that is illegal to send the pill to a state which made abortion illegal. Now throughout the states there are different views on the topic. I think that New York should hand over the doctor to Texas for the crime that they comitted. If they sold the pill in New York were abortion is legal than its fine. But when you send it to states that have it illegal you should pay for your crime. The states like Texas and Louisiana have every right to be mad about what this person did.

  • I think that if it is illegal in a certain state, it should not be allowed to be sent to a person living there. People have many different opinions on abortions. I think that this Doctor being sued makes sense because they tried to get around the law. By sending the pill to a women in a state where it is illegal, he crossed a line. Texas has the right to be angry. Abortions are fulled banned in Texas, if it were different and had a limit in the state, then maybe the doctor wouldn't have such a bad punishment.

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