Is cloning animals ethical?

This is a question that has been around for decades, since the first animal was cloned and even since it became an idea. Cloning has been seen as having major potential for scientific discovery, growth, and advancement, but the question has always been, is it ethical? The first animal was cloned in 1958 by a british biologist John Gurdon. He managed to clone a sheep named Dolly using a somatic nuclear cell transfer, which is still the moethod used today. Ever since then, cloning has been a growing "business" in biology. Today, many more animals have been cloned, sheep, dogs, horses, donkeys, cats, etc.. But over time, the government has put on many limitations on cloning. Some of those being what we can clone, how often we can clone, what procedures have to be taken within the cloning process, and many more.

Animal cloning is a process that takes long time, the steps in this process include, taking a skin sample from the animal that will be cloned, from there you take a somatic cell out of that sample and insert it into an unfertilized egg which was taken from a female, the nucleus from that cell is then insterted into the unfertilized egg. From there, the egg is then stimulated into dividing which is then placed into the uterus of a surrogate mother. The mother then carries this egg until birth, which is when the cloned animal is birthed. problems surrounding this is that there is, at the moment, a relatively low success rate, many of these manipulated eggs don't make it to birth, and die before the birthing process. Also, the ethical concerns is that the babies, if birthed, often show many health concerns and die early. Only a small few are birthed healthy and live as long as normal.

These points combined brings up the question, is cloning animals ethical? with a low success rate and many health problems throughout their life, is that worth advancement in science, is it worth the advances it could bring? Cloning has been a highly debated topic throughout the years and still is. Concerns have risen for the well being of those who do the cloning and for the animals themselves, cloning does hurt only the cloned embryo if failed, it can also create complications for the mother and with that, all of the other embryo the mother is carrying. Some think it is ethical for the advances it could bring, your could bring your pets back, you could in theory, even bring family members back. There are also those who think it is not ethical at all, putting an innocent baby at risk for an experiment? Putting the mother at risk for the same reason, even all the other embryos she is also carrying? these are all questions that have come up in this debate.


Do you think cloning is ethical?


Do you think that the kinds of animals cloned should be different?


What do you dislike/ like about the idea of cloning or the cloning process?

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  • Great topic choice and summary Tyler. Two issues. You posted this five days late and you didn't replyu to any student comments which is worth 30 points.

  • I think that we should clone the animals that do valuable things for us, but not do it for the animals that aren't neccesarily as important. We could clone pigs, cows, and chickens because they give us food, that we will continue to need in the future. 

  • I dislike the idea of cloning animals and the process of it. I feel like this is putting many things in danger in so many different ways. I also think it its just bad for the emviroment in general and bad for all animals that it is done to. This is why i dislike this idea. 

  • I like the idea of cloning animals as long as it is done to certain species which we would profit from and we don't just do it for fun/no reason. I think testing should stay within a select group of animals. Altogether I think cloning animals is ok as long as we follow guidelines of what is right and wrong with cloning and its process.

  • I personally dislike the idea of cloning animals because it might hurt them or hurt the mom. But it does help with scientific studies and helps us evolve as a society.

  • I think cloning animals is ehtical if done carefully because it can advance scientific research, preserve endangered species, and improve agricultural practices. When done with strict ethical guidelines, transparency, and consideration for animal welfare, cloning can contribute positively to biodiversity and medical advancements while minimizing harm.

    • I agree, i also think cloning is ethical if done carefully but I also disagree with you as I think cloning endangered/extinct species can ruin evolution of animals in some ways we may not know of.

  • I think currently cloning is unethical due to the amount of pre-birth deaths and mutations. However, I also believe that it should be allowed to continue. Some of the most important studies in human history were disgustingly unethical but provided tons of information for science. I think sometimes in the interest of advancing in science ethics can be ignored. We also have to understand that these animals don't have the higher brain function that we do, they can't do abstract thinking or anything too complex.

  • Cloning can be ethical if done correctly and with consideration of the animal's health. Some people argue that cloning has a low success rate and can lead to a lot of health problems but advancements in technology will improve the success rate and make it less of a risk.  If cloning can help us study diseases and save species from extinction I think as long as there are some rules cloning should be allowed.  

  • I think cloning animals is ethical as long as it is done responsibly and has a lot of regulations. I believe cloning could lead to many medical breakthroughs and help endangered species. While the success rate of cloning is still low advancements in technology could reduce the risk and as long as it's not used for unethical purposes I think it could benefit science. 

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