income inequality

income Equality is a major problem today, with millions of people in poverty and unable to break out of the cycle it is cuased by vcarius factors, such as job loss, lack of education, limited access to markets and reasources, economic crisisdiscrimination by employers and companies, and corrupt goverments. Even in these dark times there are some solutions such as, increasing goverment regulation of corporations and the job market, providing access to job markets, education, and reasources, implemanting stronger social security systems to help the impoverished, and reducing economic inequality by increasing the minimum wadge and closing wealth gaps between the rich and the poor. Income inequality is a serous problem cuased by job loss, lackof education, and limited access to markets and reasources. It has meny negitive effects such as reduced access to medical care and higher crime rates.


questions for reader

1) How does income inequality effect the job market?

2) what are some of your solutions for income inequality?

3) What would you do in combat inequality all togather

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  • I think that income inequallity should be a thing because depending on the job, some should pay more than others. I think how it is now is okay and that their shouldnt be a solusion. Their is free educasion and many organizasions that help out with those struggling. I think that the harder you work and the more hours and the job you have are all factors on the amount of money you make.

  • I dont  think the income should be equal because when people work rally hard they should gert paid a really good amount of monety, and the people who work easy jobs should'ent get paid the same amout because they are barely working so they should get paid less.

  • I think there should be an income inequality because if there isn't and everyone was getting paid the same amount inflation would go up to crazy amounts. It is unfair for people with harder jobs to get paid the same amount as people with easy jobs who don't need to work as hard.

  • To answer question two, I think to solve income equality is to make fair wages. For example, If you can do the job, as in welding, or construction, women should and can do the same a man can do in that working area. Income equality should be based on the job, how dangerous the job is, what it does for the economy, and not who's doing the job. 

    • that is a good way to combat the problem, and yes I do agree that anyone can do anything, regardles of gender, race, and ethnicy. I see what you mean by "income equality should be based by the job" but then again, think of people who phycally or mentaly cannot do dangerous jobs. what are they going to do? How are they going to make a Liveable wadge?

  • I feel like with job inequality cause people not wanting to work which then makes companys loses employees. There are a lot of solutions to this problem, but its the companys pay rate and disision not ours, so we can't do anything but great topic.

  • I think it should be a thing due to the fact that people like garbage workers could be paid the same as a bussiness man wich would ruin the econemy 

  • I think that there should be income inequality becaus eif every one was getting paid one price everyone would want to work a easy job that they don't have to do anything. I think there are very important jobs that deserve higher pays. I just think that people need to work hard and try there hardest to makew money to get out of poverty.

  • As the income share increases, private firms have more problems in their employment and their wages fall. Also some of my solutions are living-wage policies, stronger minimum-wage laws, and wage subsidies to help fix income inequality.

  • I believe that income inequality should be a thing because certain jobs should be paid more than others. I don't think that there needs to be a solution. I am all for helping the poor but there is free education in public school and if you want to go to college you just have to fill out a application and you have a chance at a diploma. No place in the world should have income equallity because some people are more hard wokring than others. 

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