Do Teachers and Firearms Mix?

We live in the land of the free, The U.S.A. and we are given many freedoms. Like speech and protest, and a big one that is a hot topic is the right to bear arms. Now the right to bear arms gives freedom to Americans that want to own guns for protecting your home, family, and yourself, as well as other uses like hunting, or trap/skeet shooting.

Now, there are some laws where you can only buy a firearm if you are 18+ and you have to be 21 to buy a concealable weapon. As well as you’re supposed to keep them out of reach of children, but that doesn't mean that kids can shoot guns for things like hunting and sport shooting. Like kids under 16 can shoot youth season without having to do hunters safety and can hunt the rest of the seasons without a parent if they pass hunters safety.

But, sometimes people with mental issues are on their last nerve and snap. They have access to guns. They know a place like a school would have many unarmed people in almost every room. They decide that because of what happened to them that they should hurt innocent kids. What stands in there was a teacher willing to risk their lives to save them. Now what if these teachers were armed, do they become a threat or a bodyguard?

That would just make more of a threat. Schools are made for bags, books, and learning, not guns. If all teachers had a gun in every classroom that is another threat and another opportunity for a student to have access to a gun. At the moment teachers might make quick and poor options and might mistake a law enforcement officer or innocent student as the assailant.

That would give every classroom a bodyguard. In general it just gives every classroom a chance because there are around 20 kids trapped in a small classroom with an armed teacher to protect them, seems a lot better than not being armed. Also it skyrockets security if you had an idea to harm the school but you remember in every class is an armed adult I wouldn't want to mess with the school. As well as most shooters end their lives when met by a gun that isn’t theirs.

What do you think about this conflict?


Are you for armed teachers or against them?


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  • Great topic choice Wyatt! Your summary is pretty good but I would like to have seen some statistics about whether teachers having guns has worked in some cases. You only commented twice and you should have about six replies on three different days. Posted one day late.

  • I believe that teachers and firearms do not mix because we are trying to keeps them out of schools instead of bringing them in for the teachers to have. Who knows what someone could do if they actually end up finding that firearm and then it starts up more problems.

  • i believe that a standard should be held for every one not just people who "protect". Murphys law states that if something can go wrong it will, add humans desire to be predjudice and greed and all other terrible deeds and you get people doing heanous acts to better thier situation even teachers who are trained to foster a better future (by means of the students) have these underlying flaws that could be released with a fire arm . 

  • I think that fire arms should not be aloud in schools. I think this because it would potentially be an easy way for students to get a weapon. Possibly, even the teacher could use the weapon wrongfully at and against kids. School shootings are already a problem so if teachers had a fire arm it could potentaly worsen.

  • Having teachers armed in the classrooms is only making things less secure and safe, which is the opposite of how a school should be. I'm against armed teachers because if other kids got their hands on a gun and hurt themselves or someone else it would be chaos. 

  • I think teachers shouldn't have firearms. They need to be a professional with guns or go through a lot of training. Also we need to make sure that students are not able to reach becuase having guns in a classroom could save lives but it could also take someones life.

  • I think that this subject should be left up to the states becasue it's not said in the consitution so then the 10th admenmint come into play. I am agaisnt having them in class rooms becasue I think students would try and steal them. even if they are in a safe student would just steal the safe and it would turn into a founding issue then. 

  • I think that teachers should not have guns. A kid could get ahold of it and use it against the other people in the school, or the shooter could get the gun and could be even more dangerous. Also, you don't know how people are going to act in the situation, the teachers might go into fight or flight and the gun would be useless.

  • I think that teachers but not all of them should have a firarm. I think teachers that should have guns are perfeshionls user or a least trianed to hold one. I also think that not every teacher should one in each class room because mabye some stundents might find a way to get them. In that case the teachers should also keep it a safe place where stundent cant get them like in a safe. 

  • I think that school shootings are a very important problem but I do not think that teachers should be armed. We never know if they could flip the switch and become the school shooter or if a kid could take the gun from the teacher. 

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