Tsunamis and how to prepare for them

By westin


Tsunamis are giant waves created by earthquakes or volcanic eruptions under the sea. The waves don't increase in height unless they are traveling upwards toward land. The waves of the tsunamis can travel as fast as jet planes over the deep expansive waters of the ocean. The only time they slow down is when they reach shallow waters. Tsunamis are very powerful natural disasters that are seen a lot more in coastal areas. This does not mean that a tsunami couldn't reach inland. I will give you a couple ways to prepare for one. Let's start with areas that are more likely to be hit by one. The greatest risk is caribbean and pacific coastline territories. There are four kinds of alerts.. There is an information statement, a watch, an advisory, and warning.

Signs of tsunami are important as well. If you feel and earthquake or see a sudden rise or fall of the ocean that is a major sign of a tsunami. When you can movie safely movie to high ground quickly  then stay out of the tsunami hazard zone. How to prepare for a tsunami. Make sure you have multiple ways to receive warnings. Always have an emergency plan including family, communication, or evacuation plans. Map a safe and easy route to leave the hazard area. Practice walking the route to be familiar with it. Make sure you have portable supplies like water, food, and first aid. There should be one for your home, car, and work. If you ever go to the coast make sure to ask about tsunami safety.


Do you think a tsunami could hit iowa?

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  • Il ike the topic but it was posted a day late. You also didn't reply to any student comments which is worth 30 points. It is also borderline palgiarism.

  • I dont think a tsunami would hit iowa cause we are to far away but we might get the sitefects of the tunami like heavy rain or something but i dont see a tsnami hitting iowa anytime soon but i would like some rain.

  • This was useful for people in areas where a tsunami could possibly hit. We would never have a tsunami in Iowa though. I think if I knew there was a tsunami coming I would be prepared.

  • I don't think a tsunami would hit Iowa, that is honestly impossible and the thought would never come into my mind. We live around massive bodies of water. I don't think this was useful, because I live somewhere where I wouldn't have to worry about tsunamis. However, this would prepare me for one if I happened to be in one.

  • I do not think a tsumani could hit Iowa becuase you have to be by the coast to be hit by one. Maybe someday I will live on the coast and this knowledge will be useful. I think I would be prepared for tsumani.

  • I don't think a tsunami could hit Iowa because of how far we are inland. It wasn't really helpful for me since I don't plan on being near much water areas. I'm probably not going to be prepared for a tsunami if they ever hit us.

  • I don't think a tsunami could hit Iowa because Iowa is over a mile above sea level and there are no large bodies of water near us Iowa is not known for earthquakes. I'm sure this was helpful to other people but I already know a lot about tsunamis and I don't travel to coastlines that often. I probably wouldn't be prepared if a tsunami were to hit.

  • I think there is absolutely no chance that a tsunami could ever possibly hit Iowa because we are in the middle of our country and are nowhere near an ocean. I learned some stuff about tsunamis. Yes I would be if I lived where they happen.

  • I don't think a tsunami could hit Iowa, only a small earthquake would, just because of our location. It was useful, just incase I would travel to beach. I would be prepared for a tsunami by moving to higher ground.

  • I personally don't think a tsunami will hit Iowa because Iowa has no oceans near it. I would not prepared for a tsunami if I live in iowa.

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