The case of George Floyd

George Floyd

I think we all knew about the case of George Floyd, the innocent man whose life was taken by the police, even though he told them several times that he couldn’t breathe.

Here I will tell you in more detail what happened. (I'm sorry if it's long but it's just to give you details.)


Mr. Floyd was a regular at Cup Foods.- He was a friendly face, a pleasant consumer who never caused any trouble, the store owner Mike Abumayyaleh told NBC. But Mr. Abumayyaleh was not at work on the day of the incident (May 25). In reporting the suspicious bill, his teenage employee  was just following the protocol.

In a call to 911, made at 20:01, the employee told the operator he had demanded the cigarettes back but “he (Floyd) doesn’t want to do that”. The employee said the man appeared “drunk” and “not in control of himself”.  Shortly after the call, at around 20:08, two police officers arrived. Mr. Floyd was sitting with two other people in a car parked around the corner. After approaching the car, one of the officers, Thomas Lane, pulled out his gun and ordered Mr. Floyd to show his hands.  Mr. Lane, prosecutors said, “put his hands on Mr. Floyd, and pulled him out of the car”.Then Mr Floyd “actively resisted being handcuffed”. Once handcuffed, though, Mr. Floyd became compliant while Mr Lane explained he was being arrested for “passing counterfeit currency”.

After that, At about 20:14, Mr Floyd “stiffened up, fell to the ground, and told the officers he was claustrophobic”, according to the report.

 Mr Chauvin arrived at the scene. He and other officers were involved in a further attempt to put Mr Floyd in the police car. During this attempt, at 20:19, Mr Chauvin pulled Mr Floyd away from the passenger side, causing him to fall to the ground, the report said.  He lay there, face down, still in handcuffs. That’s when witnesses started to film Mr Floyd, who appeared to be in a distressed state. These moment, captured on multiple mobile phones and shared widely on social media, would prove to be Mr Floyd’s last.

 Mr Floyd was restrained by officers, while Mr Chauvin placed his left knee between his head and neck. For more than nine minutes, Mr Chauvin kept his knee on Mr Floyd’s neck.

The transcripts of bodycam footage from officers Lane and J Alexander Kueng show Mr Floyd  said more than 20 times he could not breathe as he was restrained. He was also pleading for his mother and begging “please, please, please”.  At one point, Mr Floyd gasps: “You’re going to kill me, man". Officer Chauvin replies: “Then stop talking, stop yelling. It takes heck of a lot of oxygen to talk”. Mr Floyd says: ”Can’t believe this, man. Mom, love you, Love you. Tell my kids I love them. I’m dead”. 

A female bystander told the police: “His nose is bleeding, come on now”. About six minutes into that period, Mr Floyd became non-responsive. In videos of the incident, this was when Mr Floyd fell silent, as bystanders urged the officers to check his pulse. Officer kueng did just that, checking Mr Floyd’s right wrist, but “couldn’t find one”. Yet the other officers did not move.

At 20:27, Mr Chauvin removed his knee from Mr Floyd’s neck. Motionless, Mr Floyd was rolled on to a gurney and taken to the Hennepin County Medical Center in an ambulance.

He was pronounced dead about an hour later.




What do you think about this?


What do you think about what the police did?


Have you seen any video of George Floyd's arrest before?


What do you think happened to the police officer?

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  • Great topic choice and great job replying to students Paola! I would have liked to see you discuss the controversies about this case instead of just what happened 

  • I think that think was a very awful and tragic event, however, I can see wrong things happening from both sides. I think the police were unfair to George Floyd, and they didn't give him a chance. I've never seen much about this case, but it looks like several police officers involved probably got fired or sued. 

  • I think its very wrong of the police to do that to George and he should have thinked more about his actions. I have seen the video of George Floyd's arrest because i remeber this all happening in 2020 and it being a popular topic on tiktok. I heard that the police man might be getting out soon. 

  • It was a terrible thing that happened, and yet, not much is done to prevent it again.  There are some events where police have had to use force, however in this instance, it was not needed. There should be a screening and proper protocols for officers to follow, and I think that the other officers could have helped Floyd instead of just watching.

  • I have heard about the George Floyd arrest but I do not think everyone should havr rioted like they did. I also heard multiple times that George Floyd was on a type of drugs and he wasn't cooperating. I heard that the cop might be getting out sometime soon.

  • I have heard of the George Floyd arrest before but I'm not sure I have seen any pictures or videos of it. I think from what I've heard it was very unfair and unreasonable but as I've never seen it, I can't say for sure. It sounds like it was very brutal and no one should have to go through that.

    • Almost no one really knew what had happened, but there were many videos circulating about it and they began to draw conclusions before they released the note and the details of what really happened, but personally I do think it was very unfair.

  • i think it was dumb that everyone started to riot because of that. the way the police acted with george floyd wasnt ok they where herassing him but also he did drink and was not be croprotive either. the officers got charged with something and one might be getting out.

    • I think that they did a lot of fuss about that, but I think that in this case it is valid that they took a lot of importance on that, because maybe it was not only the fact that they killed him just like that, it was more because he was telling them that they were hurting him and the police did not look for another way to stop him and not hurt him. On the other hand George never had any aggressive action towards the police even though he was avoiding entering the patrol car. But maybe you are right, and I think it also depends on the importance that each person gives to these types of things.

  • I didn't know a lot about this incident before this, but I do know it caused a bunch of riots in big cities with burning and looting. I feel like I can't answer that without seeing the video that the woman took. I have never seen it before but I have heard multiple times that he was on certain drugs during it. I don't know what happened to the officer.

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