Should Homework Be Banned?

Recent studies show that highschool students have doubled the amount of time they spend on homework since 1990, and the question about weather or not we should ban homework is not new. In 2017, a Florida superintendent banned homework for all elementary students, and the United States isn't the only country to question the benefits of it.  There are many pros and cons to homework, but I think we can all agree it will probably not get banned anytime soon.

One major reason people want to ban homework is that it negatively impacts the mental health of the students. They want to give kids a chance to develop hobbies and live their lives, without the burden of homework. Recently, two Utah schools banned homework and the results are significant. Psychologist refferals for anxiety decreased by 50%, showing how much stress homework puts on children. In upper grades like middle and highschool, homework is more beneficial if done correctly. However, most teachers aren't taught how to assign it, so it ends up just being busy work instead of beneficial. 

Those in support of homework say that it helps get students ready for college, and helps to reinforce what they learned at school. It teaches students how to manage their time and how to prioritize certain things.  Homework also benefits the teachers, showing them what their students know or what needs to be taught again. It helps parents of younger kids know what is being taught at school, and gives them a chance to help their child with learning. In all, it teaches students to plan, to stay organized, and to be prepared for the real world.

Do you think homework should be banned?

Do you think elementary school aged students should be getting homework?

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  • Overall, well done Kami! You summary is interesting and well written. I do think you could have replied back a few more times.

  • Homework getting banned would have to allow for another option for grading purposes. If we were to get rid of all homework your entire grade would soley ride upon your test and projects. Also, giving up smaller amounts of homework also wouldn't work due to each and every teacher wanting to give you something for their class. The Alg 2 teacher isn't going to be paying any attention of what homework you got in history, and why should they? And yes, the mental health issues that arise from homework are a very real thing. Homework is all about application, no teacher wants you to have mental health issues (hopefully) even though it may seem like it at some points, they don't. They want you to further apply those abilities outside of the classroom, like how you learn a language. Sure you can learn the basics of another languages from sitting in a class but being surrounded by those people speaking that language, especiallly when young is the best way to learn it. All I know is that homework being banned would probably put even more stress on students because test would become that more important, and most kids already worry about a test they're about to take instead of the homework they didn't do.

  • i think they should ban homework because students are already at school for eight hours and that shoud be plenty of time to get all of the work done. 

  • If you were to ask a student if they wanted to ban homework I think anyone knows that that answer will be. But personally I do actually think they shouldnt give out homework. The only way we should have homework for something we didn't finish in class.

  • I think that homework should be banned because kids already do enough work at school and think that they should give the students a break after school. Also the weeeknds are not enough time to take a break and that when students come home from school they should be able to relax.

  • I think homework is important and should not be banned. They might me annoying, but that way we review at home and do stuff by our own. I personally learned a lot by doing homework. I do think tho that they sometimes get a little too much and teacher should be careful to not give too much homework.

  • I don't think homework should be banned completely since it is a good way to teach students. But I also think there should be a lot less of it. Since there is some students who partake in sports after school and even after sports they might go work at their job for a couple hours. After all of that there is barely time to do homework for every class and get your needed sleep.

  • I do not think that homework should be banned entirely, but I do think that the amount of homework given out should be reduced dramatically. With many highschool students participating in after school sports, clubs, and/or jobs there is not enough time in the day to complete all of the assignments. This leads to students not getting an adequate amount of sleep and destroying the mental health of many students. I strongly believe that elementary age students should not be recieving any homework. At such a young age they need to be hanging out with friends and enjoying their childhood while it lasts, not doing math homework.  

  • I think homework shouldn't be banned but there should be less of it because giving homework prepares students for compact schedules, but too much just isn't fun for anybody. While it certainly doesn't help the student, its also just more work for the teacher.

  • I don't think that homework should be banned, but I do think that it should be reduced. Homework can take a lot of time, which students already don't have, meaning they won't have any free time. I don't think elementary school should give homework, unless there are students who are struggling with the content.

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