First on the list of environmental issues in China is air pollution. The country’s poor air quality is not exactly news. Since the beginning of its industrial expansion and economic boom in the late 1970s – which lifted 800 million people out of poverty and saw the country’s GDP grow at an average  for four decades – the quality of air has progressively deteriorated.  There is estimated average of 1.2 million premature deaths every year. It is estimated that roughly come from the industrial sector, with 40% from the power – mainly coal – and 8% from the transport industry. China's air pollution is the 13th largest pullouted country. Air Pollution in China goes back all the way to 2,000 years ago. The air pollution is mostly caused by humans. In 2014 China declared war against pollution and they battled against poverty.

environmental issues in China




What do you think about Air Pollution?

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  • Isaac,

    Most of this is plagiarized.

  • Air pollution is absolutely horrible, it has been increasing tons. Air pollution will definitely be around if we keep trashing our planet, which we most likely will, people do not listen. China should do something to deal with it, as a matter of fact, we all should. 

  • I think air pollution is bad because its bad for the enviroment and helps to to the downfall of our planet and if not fixed we'll have to find new places to live at cause our planet will be inhabitable as the air will be toxic to breath in.

  • I think the air pollution is a major concern that needs to be resolved as soon as possible. I'm not necessary for sure how it can be solved. But if the air pollution rates contune as they are, more and more health problems will occur. 

  • I think that China should find a good way to filter the air and be able to mass-produce the air filters in a clean way

  • I think air pollution is a bad thing if we had to breathe iyt it will most likely affect you and your lungs and your gonna have to wear a mask when your outside.

  • Air pollution is bad, if the air got more polluted, we would have to breath it in and i've heard that either somewhere around china or in it they've started wearing masks again because of how bad the pollution is there.

  • I think air pollution is horrible and will forever affect our world. I think air pollution will be around forever and wont go away no matter how hard we try. I think China has air pollution the worst and is trying to deal with it, but they are struggling. 

  • I think that air pollution is not good. The air that we breath is very valuable but it would be very hard to deal with because who knows how our world would run if we didn't have some our pollution. Im not saying that some can't be taken away but Im saying that it would be hard to take the mojority of it because of all the powerplants and stuff like that.

  • What I think about Air Pollution I think that it is a Long-term health effects from air pollution include heart disease, lung cancer, and respiratory diseases such as emphysema. Air pollution can also cause long-term damage to people's nerves, brain, kidneys, liver, and other organs. Some scientists suspect air pollutants cause birth defects.

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