Are Books Better than the Movies?

Are the books better than the movies? Over the years there have been many good books that were turned into movies. Although they usually are never exactly like the books. A survey of teenagers showed that a fourth would read the book, and less than an eighth would read the book and watch the movie. It shows that most teenagers would rather just watch the movie.

There are many advantages to reading the book rather than just watching the movie. Reading the book allows your mind to be creative. You are able to interpret the plot as you like and imagine what the characters look like. Books can give the reader more details because they aren’t limited to a certain amount of time. Books are also proven to enhance your spelling, punctuation, and grammar. 

While there are many advantages to reading, there are many advantages to watching the movie. Reading is an individual thing, but watching a movie doesn’t have to be. You can watch a movie with your friends and family. While reading an entire book multiple days, watching the movie will help you understand the entire storyline in about two hours. Some people also like to actually see what is happening because it helps them understand it better or even remember it better.

One thing readers don’t like about the movies’ based on books is that they are always different. So why are the movies different from the books. One main reason movies are different is because movies don’t allow enough time for all the details and plot that are in the book. The way books are set to narrate certain things to move the story along, but movies don’t have that. So they are changed to move the story along without the narratives. Another reason is the screenwriters don’t want people to have the same experience twice, so they change it to make a new experience for people.

I think that the books are better than the movies because I like how a lot more can happen in the books and it's in a lot more detail. I would also rather read the book before watching the movie for those reasons. I think that it's fine if little details change in the movie as long as the story is basically still the same. Although I have seen a movie that had an added element that isn’t in the book and I don’t think they should do that.



Do you think the books are better or the movies?


Would you rather read the book then watch the movie, or watch the movie then read the book?


Do you think movies should be exactly like the books or is it good that there are some differences?

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  • Super job overall Emeri!!

  • Also I would like to add that Harry Potter is very different in ways from the movie to the book. It was not what I thought it would be at first, but it is a really good movie series. The lord of the rings was pretty good for a book and movie series too.

  • I think that I would rather watch the movie, then later on read the book to see any differences and compare them based on accuracy and how well it was presented, I also think that books can sometimes be better than movies because they are full of details and crucial information that might not be in the movie. 

  • I think that book are better for you, but movies are more fun. I would rather watch a movie than read a book because movies are fun. I think that movies don't need ot be just like the book, but mostly like it.

  • I 100% think books are better than movies, I feel like when reading a book you can come up with or imagine that character any way you want to. Reading makes things more interesting, and I feel I understand the plot better when reading. I would want to both read and watch. But If I had to choose one. It would be read. 

  • Overall, I think in terms of enjoyment; movies are probably better. They move the story forward much faster and still get the same point across while also being entertaining. 

  • I personally do not think that books are better then movies because when you are reading a book you don't get to see any emotion or reactions of the characters. I also do not like to read so it isn't enjoyable for me. However, books are more edicational and can help you learn more.

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    • Movies are definitely more enjoyable to watch than it is to read a book. Although because books don't really have a limit to how many pages it can have, a movie does have a limit time wise. So they can't really fit everything in the book in the movie and the style because movies most of the time don't have narrators or some thing moving the story along, the actors need to.

  • I think that most of the time books are better then movies, though if the movie comes out first then the book, the movie is generally better. I think it really depends on which came first, the book or movie? It also depends on writing and all the other stuff and sometimes they can be better than the original media. Though I'd rather pick up a book and start reading, watching a movie can be fun too.

    • I agree that most of the time the books are better, because there are some cases the movies are better. It's not really common, in my opinion, to hear that a book was based on a movie. I had completely forgotten that was possible, but you do make a great point saying that it depends on what came first.

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