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Monday 8/31/09

Today in class we talked about JFK, here's what we talked about.Kennedy's military career- He was originally rejected because of the troubles with his back. He got accepted into the Navy because of who he knew. One of the ships he was on was sunk by
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August 31

I realize i've been naming all my blogs without an actual date so im gonna start doing less of that. Today we had another group discussion. Apparently noone had heard about my story. The murder over spilled milk. I though everyone would of heard of t
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August 31

Today in class we talked a lot about our free choice blogs. I did mine on typhoon that hit China and Taiwan. We discussed a lot of issues, from the history of sugar babies to the wild fires in California. The free choice blogs are helping me learn a
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Today in class we disscussed our blog that were freechoice. In our class we had some arguments about some blogs. Mr. Bruns made the comment that we will do that alot. Some people disagree with others. My free choice blog was about the three missing s
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Monday, August 31, 2009

We did the whole discuss what your free choice blog was. I found out that there are some crazy people out there. Like the spilled milk murder. It doesn't get much crazier than that. There was also the whole warm-welcome to a serial killer. That is re
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Monday, Augst 31st, 2009

Today in CWI, we discussed our blogs. I talked about Jaycee Lee Dugard returning after being kidnapped 18 years ago. A couple other people talked about it, too. After that we discussed Obama's health care plan.Basically Obama wants gov't provided hea
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Today we had discussion about our blogs. I learned some dude that killed a ton of people was released from prison because he had cancer. That's a bunch of bologna. Three people talked about the girl who had been missing for um eighteen years and she
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August 31, 2009

In CWI today, we had a lot of discussion. We had a lot of discussion over our blogs that we wrote this weekend. For the free choice blogs, it ranged from a missing girl being found after 18 years to the history of golf. I learned a lot more. I did mi
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Monday, August 31, 2009

I had a perfectly written blog today in class.. opened another tab to look at my free choice blog, and bam! my well-written blog has vanished. So here I go, trying to remember what we talked about in class.John F. KennedyJFK was the 35th president an
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august 31, 2009

Today, in fifth hour current world issues at the harlan community high school, we had an interesting day. First, Mr Bruns told us that our US states and capitals map test will be one week from Wednesday and Thursday.Then we went over all of our assig
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Today in CWI, we went over our blogs. The free choice and healthcare reform. I did my free choice over teen pregnancy. Others did their's over Ted Kennedy, Swine Flu, and Wildfire's.The most interesting to me was about the girl Jamie who was kidnappe
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today we talk about our free choice blog and Health Care Blog. I really do not undersand most of the Health Care reform ecpt the part when we get insherance if we do not have any because we can not a ford Care.
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John F. Kennedy, Military Service

In 1941, John F. Kennedy joined the Navy, and had several commanding positions, which led him to be a commander on a PT (Patrol) boat. in 1943, his PT boat was rammed by a Japenese Destroyer, destroying his boat, but he managed to swim 3 miles with a
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August 31, 2009.

Today in CWI we talked about our blog posts for last week. The blogs i did this week were cash for clunkers for my free choice and health care because that was the assigned topic. I learned a lot about the swine flu, and health care. An interesting t
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Summary for 8/31/09

Today we talked about our blogs. First I talked about my blog.Then Kennedy's early life. He was the first family born in the 20th Century. His family was really wealthy. They lived in a mansion in Massachusetts then moved. He had a large family and w
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august thirtyfirst, two thousand nine

kennedy's millitary carreer-retired because of his bad back.he also had addison into the millitary because of his dad, and make the family wealthy.when his older brother died, he took oveer to be president.first assignment was under secra
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August 31, 2009

JFKToday we talked about our blogs on JFK's life. About his Military career He had a lot of health issues, including Addison's disease. He finally got excepted into the Navy. G.I. Joe figures were made after his actions. His boat was hit and he had t
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John F. KennedyJohn F. Kennedy had a lot of health issues which caused him to get rejected from the U.S. Army. One of his many issues was back problems. JFK got accepted into the U.S. Navy with some help from his dad. He had a successful career in th
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Today is Monday so we did our blog discussions again.The first thing we talked about is JFK's life around his assasination. That was the assigned blog for last week. First we talked about his military career. When he first applied he was rejected but
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JFK had a bad back. He showed a lot of symptoms during his presidency. Kennedy was in world war II and had the rank of liutenant. JFK was a Catholic man.People back in the 60s were anti catholic for presidency, and our country was founded by protesta
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