
John F. KennedyJohn F. Kennedy had a lot of health issues which caused him to get rejected from the U.S. Army. One of his many issues was back problems. JFK got accepted into the U.S. Navy with some help from his dad. He had a successful career in the Military, recieving several medals for his heroatic World War 2 accomplishments. After his boat sank, he swam a very long way to land carrying another person with his teeth.Ran of for house of representatives for the first time in 1946 and lost to Dwight D Eisenhouser. He married and five kids, three died, one in a plane crash, and one only 2 days old. Their family was very strong. They were the youngest couple in the white house. Many magazines looked to their family for art and design. They were very creative. His back got hurt again and people began to question his role for the government. While he was sick, JFK wrote a book. JFK father really wanted one of his sons to be part of the government. He was hoping his son would become the president. John and his brother were never very close, because they were seperated to go to school. His brother was a lot older. They happened to travel together, and got along by talking about politics and such.Cuban MissileFlying over Cuba. Once JFK was informed of the situation, he was confused on what to do. He didnt want to go in and attach Cuba. JFK met with a rular and they came across and agreement.We then discussed free choice blogs.
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