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11/18/19-Today we had another work day for our presentation
11/19/19-We started presenting our presentations and moved into our next unit over Womens rights
Alchohal Prohibition
*Improved health and hygein
*Some people went around and started breaking bo
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Oct 21-25 ch.6-Ancient Rome-500 BCE-500CE Miliarium Aureum translates to golden milestone, was a marble or gilded bronze statue erected by casar. The story of romulus and remus, Romulus is considered to be the first king of Rome around 750 BCE He was
11/11/19-Today we finished our group test
11/12/19-We talked about our next test, started our next chapters 9-10, and got told on what our project is going to be
11/13/19-Today we talked about some current news and went over our chapter 9 unit presenta
Monday- Chapter 8 test.
Tuesday- We are researching Teddy Roosevelt's background and presidency. Then we have to present this topic. We will present 2nd in the class. Protecting social welfare. Education is the key to getting out of poverty.