Imagine you going to the church in your town without knowing that several years ago there was an exorcism there, well there are some people who did not know about the exorcism that happened in Earling, Iowa.
Anna Ecklund known to others as Emma Schmidt was a religious German woman, some of her acquiaintances said that she was a very respectful, kind and very sweet woman with other people. Instead her dad Jakob Ecklund was a difficult father at best, he was a drunk and not only against Anna's practising of religion but openly mocking towards the church and its ministers.
Returning to Anna , at the dawning 20th century, around the age of 14 that Anna started to act a little differently.She began missing church and when questioned, told of how she was unable to attend, of how she felt revulsion in the presence of religious symbolism and a physical resistance that was creating a literal barrier, stopping her from entering any religious buildings. She had also begin uttering sexualised thoughts of " unspeakable acts". This behaviour was deemed as a form of possesion and in 1908, Father Theophilus Riesigner was called in to perform an exorcism, which he undertook, apparently successfully, on June 18th, 1908.
Though this ordeal sees scant few mentions in any written history of the case, all seemingly went well, as again Anna's life falls into obscurity. One can assume that she lived a relatively normal life, if somewhat troubled. At some point, her father passed away and once again. Anna was finding it more and more difficult to practice her religion.
She was gaining compulsives urges to destroy her religious symbols and was hearing inner voices that were driving her to despair.
To make everything shorter, there were three exorcisms that were performed to free her from those voices ( demons ) that were possessing her, the father after he thought that everything was going to be fine after the first exorcism and it wasn't like that, he was more attentive to her case. After the third and last exorcism you could really see the difference in Anna's physical appearance and obviously also her behavior.
Finally, She started to look happier and felt much better, she got rid of all that hell she lived through and after a few years she died in July 23, 1941.
Did you already know about this exorcism case?
What other case of exorcism have you heard?
Would you go to Earling Catholic Church at night?
I did know about the exorcism because I live in Earling and I think that it is pretty cool. I haven't really heard about many other exorcisms. I would go to the church because it isn't that scary at night if you just don't think about what happened.
I have heard about this case before. That is the only excorsism I have heard of and maybe wouldn't spend church at the night because why would you do that anyways unless maybe your an investigator or something.
I have heard about this and many other bad things that happen in Earling. I have never been to the Earling church but sometimes when I drive into town i think about this but I have never experienced anything bad in this town.
I have heard some parts of the exorcism but not the full story. I haven't heard of any exorcism cases from around Harlan except for Earling, but I've listened to podcasts and seen movies about that type of situation. I would go to the Earling Catholic Church at night.
I didn't know about this exorcism case I havent heard of any other exorcism cases besides ones in movies. I would still go there in night as it happned 7 years ago and how she felt about religion and her church seem weird and intresting but shouldnt stop anyone from going to the church.
I heard about an exorcism case where a girl eded up jumping off of the bell tower in a town somewhere around Harlan. I thought it was Earling, but maybe its a differnt story of this case. I have been to the Earling Church at night multiple times and don't even think about this.
I have never heard of the exorcism in Earling or any other case. I think that if I had a reason to go to the Earling Catholic Church at night, I probably would. I personally don't see a reason why you wouldn't want to go to the church at night, if an evil spirit is going to possess me at night I don't see why it couldn't do it during the day.
I never heard about this before. I never heard about any. Probably i don't know I'm scared going to church in the dark because i hate going outside at night.
Yes, I did know about it because when I went to Earling my parents told me about it. I haven't heard of any other exorcisms near Harlan or anywhere else. I probably wouldn't go to the Earling Catholic Church at night.
I did know about the exorcism in Earling, my grandma told me about it on the way to Dunlap. I have not heard of any other cases of exorcism. I would go to Earling Catholic Church at night, even if someone was possessed there once it doesn't mean anyone is now.