What really happened to JFK?

The death of John F. Kennedy is a known conspiracy theory, some think that the government was behind his assassination. So what really happened? The Kennedy’s and his team were in Dallas, Texas on November 22, 1963 riding in a motorcade when the shots began. The President got a bullet to the neck, and the Governor one to his back. They were rushed to the Parkland Memorial Hospital, where they found out there was not much they could do to save the President. He was later pronounced dead. They found a man named Lee Harvey Oswald guilty for the shooting and killing of JFK.  


The interesting fact about this case is that some people don’t believe that Oswald acted alone. Most think that the Government was a part of the assassination, or there was another person working with him as a second gunman. Another theory is that the Cuban Government was also behind it, as they were mad that Kennedy had decided to withhold military support for the Bay of Pigs Invasion. The Bay of Pigs Invasion in simple terms was an attempt to overthrow and win over the government of Fidel Castro. Which was directed and funded by the US, until Kennedy had second thoughts. 


I personally support the Cuban theory as it all adds up. Kennedy’s death would give an opportunity for someone new to lead the US Government, somebody that would support the Cuban’s and continue to fund them. Lee Oswald could have done it purely out of hatred, but why would he risk his life just for that. It makes more sense, and is a better motive if he had something to benefit him out of it, like a big money reward from the Cuban Government. 


What do you think really happened to JFK?


Do you believe any of these theories? If so, which one? Please explain why as well.






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  • I agree that he couldve been killed by by the cuban government. I think that because with all the evidence and back ground it makes sense if they did it out of anger and decided getting rid of him would be the best option. I think Lee thought that it would benefit him, but we will never really know what his intensions were in the first place. 

    • Yes, I wonder if they considered any other options and resulted to shooting him, or if that was always the Cuban Governments plan. There are more theories that Oswald did it purely out of hate, so I also wonder what he's main intensions were aswell. 

  • I also agree that he could have been assinated by the cuban goverment, because it all adds up that there anger got the best of them and decided to potentally end his life because of the withholding of military equipment.

    • I agree with your statement and opinon. Do you think there could be more behind the Cuban Governments reasoning? If you do think so, what do you think that reasoning could be? 

  • I think he was assinated by the cuban government. Like in your opinion, I believe that it makes sense why the Cuban government would do something like that because of the funding being stopped. 

  • I think that we cant be too sure about his motive and if anyone else was behind the assassination, but I think that there is a chance the cubans could have been involved in the shooting. 

  • What a interesting topic, I was agreeing with the part on the Cuban government and how they wanted to assasinate JFK. Not supporting the Cuban government was bad to them. They simply just wanted someone that would support them and continue to fund them. I think that it makes sense the Cuban government wanted to stop him. 

  • I agree with you on the cuban theory, I beileve that Lee thought he would get something out of this but we will never know what his motive was. It does make sense about the invasion and could be out of anger, we will never really know the motive and who acted with Lee or if he acted alone.

    • I like your thinking of the fact we will never truly know what his motive was, do you think they will ever find out? Also, how do you think they would be able to find out, what would they use, and how would they do it?

  • I agree with you about the Cuban theory and how they were mad at JFK for withholding military support for the Bay of Pigs Invasion. Also that the U.S government probably helped out the cubans because they wanted another representative.  The Cubans  wanted to keep getting funding out of our government.

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