The Death Penalty

     What do you think about the Death Penalty? A lot of people could think that the death penalty is a good thing if something happened to their family and the criminal or murderer is on trial. People tend to seek revenge after a terrible tragedy has happened to them. Now let's go over how the death penalty happens, some of the history behind the death penalty, and also the US's thoughts on the death penalty.


     The death penalty officially started in the 18th century BC when King Hammurabi came and made the death penalty for 5 crimes. Murder was not one of those crimes though that people could commit for the penalty. Then we also have the Hittite Code that was made in the 14th Century BC, 7th Century BC the Draconian Code that Athens used which made it so every crime ended in the death penalty.


     Now jump into the present 21 states do still have the death penalty that the Death Penalty Information Center knows. There are 6 states that are still considering that the Death Penalty is legal but they are not doing them for various reasons. Then we have the rest of the US, 23 states in total, don't have the death penalty which includes Iowa in that 23.


     So is the death penalty a good thing or a bad thing? I don't have a strong way towards either but if someone was affected by a person that is on trial they could be leaning towards a good thing. But killing someone just because they did something to you will not make you feel any better about what has happened. The most people can do at that point is to move on and try and stick through it. 


What do you think about the death penalty?

Should all states include the death penalty or none at all?

Why should people get the death penalty?





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  • Good topic choice and well done overall Eric! I do think you could have expanded more on the history of the death penalty in the US especially what happened in the 1970's.

  • I think the death penalty should be legal in some cases. I think the family of the victom should get a say and also what the case was and if they were most definetly proven guilty. I think it should not be used in as many sentences though because it is taking someones life and killing someone. The worst crimes should deserve this penalty.

  • i agree with how you said that you think that  both sides are wrong , i think the death penalty shouldnt be frowned apon though because it has removed danger from this world many, many times. but on the other side of things i think some deserve a second chance before the death penalty.

  • I think the death penalty should only be an option for intentional muder because I belive that if they took away someomes life on purpose they should not get to live when whoever they killed life was taken away because of them. I belive everyone should get second chances but if they took somone elses life they should not. 

  •  Majorities believe the death penalty should sometimes be applicable in cases involving certain grave crimes such as murder and terrorism.Since society has the highest interest in preventing murder, it should use the strongest punishment available to deter murder, and that is the death penalty.Society has always used punishment to discourage would-be criminals from unlawful action. Since society has the highest interest in preventing murder, it should use the strongest punishment available to deter murder, and that is the death penalty.

    • I agree with you on how for the worst crimes should deserve the worst punishments because it will prevent crimes from happening because they are using the worst punishment for the crime.

  • I think the death penalty is fair, but only under certain circumstances. Say 2 people get executed both for killing people but one of them kills someone while intoxicated while driving and the other stabs 4 people to death, in that case I believe the person who stabbed 4 people should be the only one executed. People should get the death penalty for taking others lives on purpose. I feel as if all states should or all states shouldn't.

    • I agree that its only fair but it has to be for certain reasons like murdering or even worse. For sure it needs to be in all states or no states at all.

  • I believe the death penalty is not nessisary, but believe it should be an opition. An option for people who have been incarcerated and have escaped prison. It might sound cruel, but it would keep people that escaped from escaping again. I want prisoners to know that if they escape they get the death penalty because it will stop them from escaping. The main reason it's not nessisary is because I feel that most criminals that have commited heinous crimes should get life in prison because its worse than the short way out.

    • I agree it may not me necessary for some people but it for sure should be an option for those who commit the worse crimes. Life in prison is way wrose because you would be sitting rotting instead of having the short way which is death.

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