Should teachers be allowed to have a gun during school hours?

There are so many school shooting's that are starting to happen and it's going to get worse as we go on through the years. So they have been thinking about teahcers carring a gun on them during school hour's, but they would have to go through training and take a 6 month class for that training to carry a gun on them. But what happens if there is a teacher that break the rule that they would have for the gun's, for them to start a school shooting. That's why they have to go through a training. But nothing that we do is safe at all. Schools have tried everythig that they could and some of them have guards there and people are stilling starting school shooting's. So would they have to try and trust the teacher's or will they not let the teacher's have a gun during the school hour's.


It's something that we found have to find out. I highly doubt that they will let the teacher's carry one on them becuase that could cause a lot of things to happen. Kid's could try to steal it teacher's could try and use it. So the law could get passed but it could also not gte passed who knows. Hopeful they figure something out because the school shooting needs to stop asap. 



Question: Do you think that it is a good idea to have the teacher's carry guns. Why or Why not?


Question: Should the state pass that law?


Question: Do you think that the teacher's should do more than 6 month's of training.



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  • Do you think that it is a good idea to have the teacher's carry guns. No, I know this may sound bad but somewere there could be a teacher that losses tthere mind and shoots alot of pepole. there for i do not think they should be abel to carry guns. now could it help in a schol shoting yes and know if techers are shooting the students wouldnt no wich way to run since there would be multipule shots going off. 

  • No, I do not think teachers should be allowed guns on school property, regardless of training. Incase there is a shooting, teachers having guns would lead to more confusion and students being scared. Solving gun violence with more guns does not help.

  • I think it wouldnt be a good idea for teachers too have guns in school. It would put more students in danger and maybe even more students scared. If the teacher was crazy and possibly threatened students with it it could put lives in danger. Or even if students themselves tried to search for the weapon it could turn out bad.

  • yes, having a trustworthey adult with proper protection during an emergency would be a great idea. mabey, some states might pass it, other probley will not, probly with the saftey to be the matter

  • I don't think that it is a good idea. Because it would cause mixed emotion, some students would be feeling much safer while others might feel anxious knowing that their teahcer has a gun on them. I don't like the idea because it could lead to more risk, just having a gun in the room could possibly lead to misuse. 

  • I think that with all the training, the techers would need to go through deep background checks. I think that the state should but they would need the teachers to have the firearm on them at all times. i think the idea could go multiple ways-It could prvent a shooting from happening/it could cause one/the teachers might decline the offer of a firearm.

  • I think that it is a good idea to allow teachers to have guns at school. I believe that if teachers were to have guns that there would be less school shootings and less tragedies caused over school shootings. The state should pass the law. No I think 6 months is a reasonable amount of time to be trained properly. 

  • i think that it wouldn't be a good idea for teachers to carry guns becasue it could just add to the issue of school shootings. I dont think that the state should pass a low allowing teachers to carry firearms.  No i think that firearms shouldn't be allowed at all. 

  • I think teachers should be able to carry a gun to school. It not only protects the students if a intruder comes in, but it also can remind the students not to act out because their teacher has a gun on them. It is a huge problem with school shooting in todays world so if teachers can help in anyway, it is good to me. 

  • I don't know if teachers having guns is the best idea because if that becomes a common thing I garantuee you some teacher, somewhere, not saying at this school,  will crash out and end up shooting a student or someone else at school. I could see a scenario where a teacher having a gun would benefit but giving every teacher a gun is too much of a responsbility for the teachers to carry in my opinon, so no I don't think the state should pass that law. But lets say it does get passed than yes the teachers should do at least 6 months gun safety training.

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