Should teachers be able to talk/teach about religion?

The history of religion refers to how religious systems originated and developed throughout human history. As of right now there are over 4,000 religions in the world. In 1963, the supreme court outlawed any type of teaching that had to do with religion. When it comes to talking about religion in class, teachers can talk about the history of religion. One thing that they can't do is push religious beliefs on someone. 

When it comes to people's thoughts on if you should be able to teach/talk about religion there are many different opinions. A lot of people think no because they think everyone should have their own opinions on things and not feel forced to believe in something. It could also cause a problem when it comes to someone who believes in one thing and someone who doesn't believe. This could start fights and other conflicts. On the other hand, many think yes AND no, because they think it should be taught but not forcefully taught. People say this because if you have to learn about different religious beliefs you wouldn't have enough freedom, and many people have strong opinions about freedom.  

Many people have a strong belief that religion should be allowed to be taught. They feel that kids should be able to ask questions about other religions or even their own and get an educated answer. Everyones thoughts on this topic are varied. I think everyone who has said something has a point. 

I personally feel that teachers should be able to talk about religion more in school. I believe that they should be able to be more open about it. One option to make this work is that schools could offer an optional class for students to take if they are interested in learning more about all the different religions. Another option is that they could make an online class that can help you learn what you want to learn. I think this is a great way to include religion at school.

Do you think having a class would be a good option?

Do you think teachers should be able to talk about religion in school? 

Would you attend the class if we had it as a option,first%20appeared%20in%20Mesopotamia%20c.,%E2%80%9CBible%20as%20literature%E2%80%9D%20classes.

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  • Great topic choice and well done Aubrie! I do think you should have mentioned the "separation of church and state". This was also posted a bit late.

  • I would attend the class because I have been taught to believe in God and that he will watch over me and protect me. I also think that the teachers should be able to talk about religion. The teachers should tell them about religion but, not to tell the students which religion is superior than the others and to let them chose in what they believe in.

  • I believe that there should be classes for religion in school. The students can take the class if they chose to because they could be interested in joing a religion or study their own religion. This would be great for kids who already attend church and can help people get closer to God. 

  • I think that their should be a class for religion in schoold, and it doesn't have to be just one religion. Maybe like a class for bible study or something and gather everyones thoughts on a passage they had read. A class like this should happen so people can grow closer to God and eventually find God in their life. 

  • I don't think that this is a good idea, because there are too many religions to keep track of. It might bring people into religion, but I think that there are too many different teachings by different religions to just have one general class. Many people would be taught the wrong things about their religion, and it would just not be a good idea in general. 

  • Depends the ways you put it cause if they teach about most of the religions and people that are in that religion join and specifically in that religion it should be fine but I do agree with what you say because including religion would be an AMAZING way how to show people how they and you feel and I dont think I wouldnt really think I would want to join the class if they had it because it would most likely count as an extra curricular but if it counted as a credit I would 

    • I agree there are many good things about having a class like this but also many bad things that could result in it. It would be a good way to show everyone something different from their normal school day. But again it would be hard to make everyome happy and there is a big downside on this. 

  • No, at least in a public school setting, and the idea of putting a class for it in place is even worse. First of all if you have onle religous class in place you would probably have to put in a new class for all religons to even make it normalized in the first place, effectivly blowing the schools budget if you went at it this way, and imagine not being in a religon but taking the class for a credit. graduating from a class that invades your belives should not be in the school system. I also feel like teachers shouldn't be able to talk about it, there is schools for certian religons for a reason and I think this breaks that line of "public" school.

  • I believe that religion should be kept out of the school setting and should be something that is taught by parents and churches, not in the classroom. If a school started to teach a religion I didn't believe in, or push a specific belief, it would cause many issues for my family and others. It is important for students to still learn about different points of view but the school should not have the power to make other beliefs seem superior.

    • I would have to dissagree some people may not be able to make it to church on sundays or anyday so this class could be good for them. I do agree with how you say it should be taught in a church or by your parents, but some people are scared to go to church or even talk to their parents about the lord.

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