Should same-sex marriage be legal?

Same-sex marriage has been a controversial topic not only in the United States but the entire world for a very, very long time now. However, no one seems to be able to come to a consensus on whether it is bad or not. 


On one side, you have religious people who frown upon same-sex attraction due to whatever their religion says about it. You also have some people who have been raised by people with unfounded prejudice from historical events like the AIDS epidemic, in which homosexual people tended to be shunned or raise a feeling of disgust, despite them not even being the reason it came around.


On the other side, you have homosexual people, non-religious people for the most part, and LGBTQ+ allies. These people all believe that others should not care what other consenting adults find attractive. Some think it is okay to not like homosexuality, but that you should not go around telling others they are bad people for something they cannot control.


I believe that same-sex marriage should be 100% legal and unrestricted. I believe there needs to be a separation of church and state as laid out in the US Constitution and the beliefs of any religious group should stay far away from government, as to not cause a bias towards one party or another. It is no secret that many Christians, regardless of denomination, and other religious groups refuse to accept same-sex marriage, which is just not acceptable in modern day.

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  • Good topic choice and good job replying to students. I would have liked to see the history of gay marriage in the US within your summary. This was also posted a week late.

  • I think that same sex marriages are horrible but I dont think it should be illegal. I believe it should be males marrying females. I don't think people should be judged for liking someone of the same gender. But I think its wrong that they are encouraging it to the younger generation. I think its okay to keep it legal but I personally hate the idea of it. 

  • I think that same sex marriages are a horrible thing. Many people might believe in this, but I don't. If you don't want to get married to the opposite sex, then why even get married at all. People look down would look down on you constantly, and think bad things about you. I don't understand why somebody would want to make themselves feel bad about themself constantly.  

  • I feel like they should be COMPLETELY legal because if someone likes the same gender its a choice in their prespective and other people might not like it but you shouldnt care what others think but what you think is what you think and not a person should be able to keep you from that because it isnt their choice it is your choice and no one elses and who ever wants to make it "illigal" doesnt know hwat they are talking about. 

  • I think it should be legal, at least in the United States. One of your main reasons why it was a controversal topic. The reason why I think it should be in the united states is because we have freedom of religon, its like saying buddist arn't allowed here. But all in all I don't really care it dosn't affect me at what happens with it.

  • I believe that it is a crazy idea. But I think they could be legal and I myself would never encourage something like this to happen. I believe it could still be legal but I obviously don’t like the idea. There are many people that have religious issues with this topic.

    • Having these religious problems makes sense, the issue comes when people hate others entirely because of it. There are much bigger problems that people can all agree on, versus having petty political arguments on the lives of other people.

  • even though I don't agree wit same sex marrige, I do not think it should be illegal. I believe that it was and always has been meant to be a male marrying a female, But we should not judge others and what or how they do things. I agree that people should be more accepting to peoples choices in the modern day, but if you are true to your religion you will follow his lead, and do what the bible says.

    • I really like this view, I myself am not religious and do not believe in the existence of a god. I know however that the bible teaches that god is the only one who has the right to judge people, and that you should love everyone for who they are whether you agree or not. This would mean that there is no reason for it to be illegal, because that would be a form of judging others.

  • I see where you are coming from, but I quite frankly think it should be illegal. The society today has gone bad with all this LGBTQ non-sense. I think marriage should be between a man and a women, because that't how I was raised. I don't agree with them for talking bad about this about others if they believe in this.

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