Should Russia and Ukraine sign a treaty?

In April 2021 Russia started military practices on the Ukraine border raising concerns inside of Ukraine. In September Ukraine’s president Zelenskyy talked to NATO attempting to get membership. On February 24th of the next year President of Russia Vladimir Putin talked about Ukraine’s government being run by other countries before invading the next day. America, the EU, and the UK condemned Russia’s invasion of Ukraine that same day. From then the war has stretched on for over two years and has taken 35,000 lives this year alone.


Recently, on September 10th this year Ukraine attacked Moscow with 144 drones hitting residential buildings and halting all flights in key Moscow airports. At least one person was killed in this attack. Most of this war has been fought by drones and Ukraine’s attack on Moscow was their biggest drone attack on Russia. The death that came from this attack was to a normal Russian citizen who was in their apartment when it was hit. The Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said “ There is no way that nighttime strikes on residential neighborhoods can be associated with military action.” NATO has not allowed Ukraine to use any of the weapons sent to them on Russian territory to prevent Russia from attempting to attack them. I think an agreement should be reached as soon as possible because I don't see the war being able to end soon at all. The war has taken a lot of civilian lives and wasting soliders on a war that won't make any progress seems inhumane. If no deal is reached I believe NATO should send in more support for Ukraine so they can continue to survive.

Do you believe Russia and Ukraine should come up with a treaty to end the war?


Should attacks on residential areas be considered okay as an act of war?


Should NATO do more to help Ukraine in this war?,reported%20to%20have%20been%20injured.

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  • I think they should of came up with a treaty already they are just waisting their reasorces. I don't think they should be considered an act of war but still they are someing that needs to stop. I don't think NATO should be helping in the war even more than they have I think it will just cause world war 3 to happen.

  • I think that they should have a treaty in place, because it could end all violence, but the treaty would have to have to ensure peace. It should be prioritizing the well-being of civilians affected by it. And attacks on residential areas are not okay. It causes civilian casualties and significant suffering for them. Protecting civilians and ensuring their safety should always be important in any conflict. 

  • I agree with you and I think that they should sign a treaty because as you said 35.000 lives have been taken and it is useless to loose more people when the war is not getting anywhere. But I think that if NATO was to intervene the conflict would become much more bigger so maybe it's not the best option

    • i agree, it is useless and horrific to see all these lifes being lost over money. It is not nessisary for Russia to invade their homes and take over their lives. Its not helping anything and getting Russia no where. It is evil and needs to be stopped.

  • Yes, I agree with you, Russia and Ukraine need to come up with a treaty to end the war. I do not think attacks on residential areas is okay, even during war. I believe this because they are harming, even killing some citizens who have done nothing wrong. 

  • Do you believe Russia and Ukraine should come up with a treaty to end the war? yes but I feel that there is no way since im sure that rusia wants money and since ukraine is smaller it wouldnt have the money to do so I feel that insteed of the us sending money to ukraine they should be trying to get a treaty between them with the money. 

  • I think they should sign a treaty to end the war. This war has cost thousands of lifes just because Russia didn't get their way . This war is not only affecting us but other countries. If NATO gets involved it will turn into another war but if it doesn't I think NATO should help Ukraine.

  • I believe that they should sign a treaty to end the war. This war has caused lots of pain nad suffering for many people. This war is also impacting other countries, including the US. I also think NATO should be doing more to help this so that it doesn't affect anymore people. 

  • Yes, I think that the need to sign a treaty to edn evrything and then they wouldn't have to fight anymore and then they can save there stuff that they are using for the fight they can use it on a different fight if they get attacked again by someone else. So i think that they need to sign the treaty and end everything.

  • I think Russia and Urkraine should sign a treaty. This war has been going on for a couple of yeaes and many places and homes have been destroyed. There are so many people who are injured or dying. I don't think residential area should be an act of war because they are going to lose so many places. I also think that NATO needs to do more to help Urkraine scince they are losing so much land and people. 

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