Should Animal Testing be Banned.

Traditionally, when people start testing on animals the reason is to make sure it won't hurt or even kill people. 45 countries out of the 195 have outlawed animal testing including some big countries like Australia, Brazil, and Mexico. The first country to use animal testing was Greece in 500 B.C. for experiments, For centuries after that experiments were a standard practice for learning about medicine and biology. Animal testing in the United States Increased by 6% in the last couple of years moving up to 712,00 animals used in testing this spiked because of covid and the government trying to find the cure for covid 19.


Many people think that we shouldn't have animal testing in the United States. Animal testing has been a heated debate topic for many years. Sixty percent of animal testing goes to product safety. Although it has made a lot of other people's lives safer we shouldn't use them as test subjects. Their right is violated when we use them as test subjects because they don't know what is going on and even if they can't feel pain it could still mess them up. Tom Regan, a philosophy professor at North Carolina State University, states: "Animals have a basic moral right to respectful treatment." Animals are a lot like humans and probably more than a lot of people know, humans and animals both feel, think, and think. Then animals should be treated with the same respect as humans and not be taken advantage of because they can't speak. However, there are some pros of animal testing. Like how mice and humans share a lot of genes so when we test on mice they can predict how they will affect humans. Using animals will help humans get the correct dose so we know when we are taking these drugs that help us get better than they were probably tested on animals. animals have helped us develop many drugs that have saved many people.


In my opinion, I think that we should have animal testing but it should have to get approved by the state so people can't just be testing random drugs on animals.


What do you think? Is it ok for people to test animals?,they%20are%20used%20in%20research.,muscular%20dystrophy%2C%20and%20Parkinson's%20disease.,71%2C921%20monkeys%2C%20and%2044%2C847%20dogs.

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  • I think that anaimal testing should contine to be done until we find a better soultion to testing like making people like bodies and testing the medicane on them and comparing the reasolts to animal testing and human realusts. Also only test on animals that have human caristerisics 

  • I think in some cases it's okay to do animal testing. For example, it can keep humans safe from harmful drugs and medication. But in some other cases it should be stopped, for example killing the animal just for useless experiments. So animal testing should only limit to some things.

  • i think so. animal testing is cruel and unusual. not to metion, illeagal in some states. it puts the animal through bad stress and even death. animals have feelings just like us.

  • I feel that it is very important to note that animals like dogs, cats, rabbits etc. Are just like us humans but just a little underdeveloped compared to us, other animals have feelings just like us. I think it is extremely wrong that scientists even consider testing animals.

  • I think it is not okay to test on living creatures, I find it cruel and wrong. I feel if they want  to test these thing so badly do it on your own kind that we know we can make more of. Not these innocent animals that could be going extinct. But i know that that will probally never happen. So i agree that they should at least ask the state first.

  • I think that it is better to test on animals than guess what would happen to humans and possibly kill a human. As long as you aren't hurting the food chain by testing on the animal I think it is fine to test on animals.

    • I don't think that people could die from testing but they could defintely get really injured. But I do agree with if its not hurtting the food chain and killing a bunch of animals then mabye we could do test on animals as long as its not killing a bunch of animals for no reason.

  • In my opinion, I think animal testing should be legal, to an extent. I think it should be legal because it keeps humans safe from harmful drug and medications. I think it should be stopped when it is purposefully killing animals and harming them. Some of the testing is cruel and really not necessary, while others is meant to keep us safe. 

  • 1.) I agree with your opinion, it should be tested by the state first because you can test on animals within reason, instead of testing to the point that it is a form of animal cruelty. Testing on animals can and has lead to advancements in technology, vaccinations, anidotes, and medicines.

  • I think in certain circumstances its neccisary for animal testing to be utilized to estimate how its effects will fair out for humans but it shouldn't be left to the corporations to decide whats OK and whats not OK to test on animals. Some testing is cruel and not vital towards research. Animal testing should be regulated and individuals using testing in a wrong way should be held responsible.

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