Rising Food and Energy Prices

The topic that I chose as you can see is why prices of food and energy is going up. A large contributer to the rising food prices is the war with russia and ukraine. The reason why is because grain exports from Ukraine have been brought to a halt because Russia has stoped those exports counting for almost 10% of the worlds grain. Because so much food is not being sent out there is a lot less food with the same amiunt of demand leading to higher prices.


Another reason is an ingriedient in lots of fertiliezer is Urea. Urea prices have been going up due to lots of demand and less and less product. Urea is a natural occuring molecule made of 46% nitreogen. using urea in the fields can lead to a higher crop yield, but using to much can easily damage the fertilizer and will dramaticly lower the crops yield, which leads to lower amounts of food with high demand.


Some reasons that energy prices have hit a high that hadnt been seen since the 1970's is because there is less oil being made because there is less oil to drill from the earth. But prices are going to get higher because oil thats being used is coming from oil reserves instead of coming from the oil mills. Fossil fuel is also a huge contributer to our daily energy usage. The price for electricity from Fossil fuel is climbing because maintaining and replacing the machinery is very expensive, and has to be paid for.


What are some questions that you have?

What are some of your thoughts?

Do you have any ideas of how to fix these prices?



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  • Good topic choice Kirk! I do think you could have expanded a boit more in your summary and be sure to comment three times per page on average and on three different days. Posted one day late.

  • I personally don't think that they should be raising the prices of these goods since most consumers that don't have enough money even now would be able to buy it in the future. Then the people that are just getting by that are taking care of sick members are gonna have to start working harder missing out on maybe school, personal time, and just dedicating their life to work.

  • Some of my questions inclue: Whats the difference between oil drilling and oil milling? Is the type of oil different? Or is it just how the resource is obtained? maybe a way to fix the urea shortage is to figure out a may to create it artificially, or search for a new source of fertilizer boost.

  • I think putting a pause on exports can make an impact on many countries. Although, if they keep shipping the demand is going to be very high, while it already is. If they continue to make and ship products at a fast rate, they might face problems. High demand is going to raise prices either way, so in my opinion the best thing to do is having more people work in producing these goods, and strengthening trade policy.

  •  Raise the cost of shipping for exporters, reducing the price paid to Ukrainian producers, and raise the price paid by consumers, including those in food-insecure countries.They include the perspectives we bring to any situation or experience that color our point of view (for better, worse, or neutral).

  • I feel thet since there are alot more pepole eating more food that prices should go up. I do not feel like they should go up as much as they have with biden in ofice. I feel like the pricesare high at the moment but they should go uo a littel from pepole wanting more to work also.

  • Do you have any ideas on how to fix these prices? I think that if the government used tax dollars to build fields of solar pannels, we could make energy significantly cheaper. I also believe that if we keep drilling we will find more oil, thats what we've been doing and its worked so I don't see why it wouldn't. 

  • One question I have is how do you see this continuing in the future, and what do you think will happen to the prices? I think that these prices need to be decreased somehow, as the price for living in America is inclining very fast. I cannot imagine what the prices of necessities will be when our generation has to pay for everything. ONe thing I think would help with these prices would be fixing the amount of fertiliezer portions farmers are using, This would help becasue then we would have a better crop production. 

  • I think that the government should be helping the farmers who make the food in the first place to get more of it out there or help[ them cover their food shortages. Right now I think that the food prices right now are fine but they could be lowered.

  • I dont think people should be rasing food and energy because their are lots of low income familys, and they wouldent be able to get the necesities they need to survive. and most people are going to have to work more hours because they will need a lot more money in the economy.

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