Rising Food and Energy Prices

The topic that I chose as you can see is why prices of food and energy is going up. A large contributer to the rising food prices is the war with russia and ukraine. The reason why is because grain exports from Ukraine have been brought to a halt because Russia has stoped those exports counting for almost 10% of the worlds grain. Because so much food is not being sent out there is a lot less food with the same amiunt of demand leading to higher prices.


Another reason is an ingriedient in lots of fertiliezer is Urea. Urea prices have been going up due to lots of demand and less and less product. Urea is a natural occuring molecule made of 46% nitreogen. using urea in the fields can lead to a higher crop yield, but using to much can easily damage the fertilizer and will dramaticly lower the crops yield, which leads to lower amounts of food with high demand.


Some reasons that energy prices have hit a high that hadnt been seen since the 1970's is because there is less oil being made because there is less oil to drill from the earth. But prices are going to get higher because oil thats being used is coming from oil reserves instead of coming from the oil mills. Fossil fuel is also a huge contributer to our daily energy usage. The price for electricity from Fossil fuel is climbing because maintaining and replacing the machinery is very expensive, and has to be paid for.


What are some questions that you have?

What are some of your thoughts?

Do you have any ideas of how to fix these prices?



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  • I think that there is a way to fix the problem with these prices. In future years they will continue to rise so I think that something should happen sometime soon. Right now I think many familys can handle the prices but not if they keep rising. There is ways we can all together stop this like cutting back electricity and fossil fuels.

  • I think there is a solution with these prices but right now we dont know how or when we will ever know, right now I think we can handle these prices but looking in the future years this could ponentailly cause some financal problems for us. 

  • I think to fix these prices is to be more reserved. Using a lot of energy from electricity instead of using solar energy. Solar energy is basically free energy to power commonly used things to survive. Although solar panels are already greatly used today, they aren't the main source for electricity. 

  • One of my questions is, Are there any sort of measures being taken to the impact of rising prices on low-income families? With the prices on food going up how is this affecting the families that can barley afford any of this. And, how are consumers adapting to these sorts of changes happening? Because surely we are eventually going to have to adapt these changes. 

    • Another question is that should be answer is what happens if family's don't like these changes and will the people do about it. If we do get comfortable with these changes how much of a change is it going to be. 

  • One question I have is if you know the percentage that food and energy prices have gone up, and how fast the prices rise and fall. I think that before the U.S. starts helping other countries, we should help our own country first. I think the government needs to help aid farmers in any way they need. 

  • I feel like this is a very good topic, but there can and one day will be a solution. There are many things that lead to this problem but fixing them like limiting fossil fuels or getting more farmers to grow and have big yeilds. These can help america. 

  • A question I have is why does just the US have to help build up the economy after the Ukraine Russia War? I think we also need to do more understanding about people who are living off of unemployment. There is a lot of poeple living off of it, but others just don't want to get a job so they fake disabilities so thye can get money from the government. 

    • I think that those that don't have jobs should be given the offer for jobs that do a thorough run through of if they can physicly get a job.

  • I think that the government should be helping teh people who grow the food such as farmers so our food shortages are covered and we wouldn't be paying so much to otehjr countries just for food we have. How would you try and fix the prices?

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