income inequality

income Equality is a major problem today, with millions of people in poverty and unable to break out of the cycle it is cuased by vcarius factors, such as job loss, lack of education, limited access to markets and reasources, economic crisisdiscrimination by employers and companies, and corrupt goverments. Even in these dark times there are some solutions such as, increasing goverment regulation of corporations and the job market, providing access to job markets, education, and reasources, implemanting stronger social security systems to help the impoverished, and reducing economic inequality by increasing the minimum wadge and closing wealth gaps between the rich and the poor. Income inequality is a serous problem cuased by job loss, lackof education, and limited access to markets and reasources. It has meny negitive effects such as reduced access to medical care and higher crime rates.


questions for reader

1) How does income inequality effect the job market?

2) what are some of your solutions for income inequality?

3) What would you do in combat inequality all togather

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  • Great topic choice Nicolae! Your summary is quite brief overall. Be sure to define income inequality and expand more on its postives and negatives. You also only replied two times. You should have about nine replied back on three different days. Be sure to capitalize your title as well.

  • I think that the income inequality does affect the economy in many ways with how its causing people to go broke and causing them not to be able to buy goods. One of the solutions would be raising the minimum wage up. Or some people could find some better paying jobs that will work for them and be able to support them while they go forward in life.

  • Income Inequality affects the economy and everyone in it causing people to go into poverty because good paying jobs can be harder to find. In order to help solve income inequality we should increase the minimum wage or have people find better paying jobs.

  • My opinion is that some people need to either get better paying jobs if able too or move they way up to be able to get more money than what the minimum wage is too get payed better money than expected.

  • My opinion is that income inequality is effecting the economy and the job market. I think it limits education for lower paid familys who can't get a higher paying job due to not have the amout of education needed for that job. I think that the government shoud allow lower salary familys the education they deserve for free or a lower cost.

  •  My opinion is that the income economy is affecting the economy. The prices go up. It's harder for people to get jobs which can lead to poverty. Also some do deserve more money than others by how hard they work and if they get the job done. 

  • My opinion is that the income equality has a significant impact on the job market with things like limited opportunities. It limits the acess to education and training for people with low-income. Which has made it a problem for them to get skills required for a high paying job.  And the lack of skilled workers in specific sections can lead to having a job shortage. One solutIon to maybe fix this is having increased acess to education and training programs to have skills required for high paying jobs and secure us not being in poverty. 

  • I do beleive that income inequality does effect the job market with not allowing people to strive as much as others. Some ways you could prevent income equality is by asking your co workers how much there make. to combat inequality We sould have pay inspectures or some sort of system 


  • in my personal opinion, I think that the income economy is efecting the ecomy because as the prices go up its harder for people to get jobs and lost more people are in poverty and have bad education so their arn't really that meany people that eather want to work and can work.

  •  Public firms increase employment and wages to a lesser extent, so average wages in the economy decline. As labor income matters disproportionately for lower-income households, their welfare de- clines.Increase the income of the poorest individuals through supplemental income, including Social Security, disability insurance, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, and tax credits, as well as through increased wages, including an increased minimum wage.We can demand more spending on public health and education. We can demand fair wages for everyone. We can stand up against the destruction of our planet.

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