gun control

have you ever thought about what happens when you buy a gun? Well first there is usually a background check on the buyer of the weapon then there is a waiting period before you can actually buy the gun. In some places this rule is taken to extreme measures.This is because in 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings caused many other states to pass laws requiring gun-friendly states to have more extreme measures when it comes to a citizen buying a gun. Many citizens would not agree with this and argue that carrying a weapon is one of their amendments.

But there is also an upside to this, many people who purchase a gun have suicidal intententions, this leads to many more suicdes in the us over the years, if this law where to be enforced that number would be greatly diminished. I agree with both sides of this argument as less suicides would be a greater goal but many other people migth think its unfair.


lastly, I think that passing this law would definetly result in less school shootings, many shcool shooters pass by the backround check easy or already have a registered firearm, this extensive backround check would atleast lower the numbers of school shootings but not gauruntee.


What is your opinion on this law?

Do you think this law should be passed?

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  • Great topic choice Zach. I would like to see more examples of gun laws that the US has passed over the years within your summary. The bigger issue is that you didn't reply to amyh student comments which is worth 30 points. This was posted two days late as well.

  • I believe that the current gun laws are okay how they are. The illegal gun trading however should try and be prevented more and maybe stronger forced laws against. I think people should have gun control for saftey reasonsand that the laws right now are working.

  • i personally believe that this law is a good idea because i feel it would make a safer world. I think they need to do a check before you handle or buy a gun due to people not knowing how much power they are holding in their hands at the time

  • i personally believe that this law is a good idea it is a touchy subject but i feel like it would make the world a safer place. i think anytime you buy a gun or handle one they should do a back ground check to make sure your not nuts.

  • I belive that the law we have for guns right not is okay, but we need some improvements. Making sure that everything that happens with guns is legal. But it has the right to bear arms in the second amedment, so getting a bann on guns would be going agianst the constitution. 

  • In my opinion, the gun laws we have right now are okay, but they should be more strict. We could have way less gun related deaths per year. One thing that would make gun laws safer is if people with a history of violence were prohibited from buying them, or they have to take more steps to buy one.

  • I do not think teachers should have guns because, you really dont know whats really going on in someones mine because say what if the teacher is going through things they have easy accsess to a wepon so I dont think teacher should have guns in their classroom.

  • I think the law is fine right now. Sure, some improvements could be made to improve it, but I think its law is safe now. If you make it harder to get a gun, people may get angry and protest, because it goes against the second admendment.

  • Do you think this law should be passes? Yes, I think stricter background checks would be very beneficial to our country. These stricter background checks would make it harder for people to legally aquire guns. However I also believe that this could pose a threat. If some people are denied acess to guns they may then try and find illegal ways to get guns, which would then lead to ever more problems. 

  • Personally, I feel like the law we currently have is completely fine. It could use some changes to make it a bit stricter to decrease the amount of gun violence. Another thing that I feel like we could add are full background checks, this would include mental stability check, criminal background check, etc.

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