Gender equality is a common human right that we need for a sustainable life on earth. significant progress has been made to make gender equality what it is over the past few decades, but the world is not fully on track to achive full world gender equality by 2030. The female body represents half of the worlds population, witch also means, there is half of the worlds potental for gender equality. Unfortanalty, gender inequality still presists all around the world to this day, witch holds back on progress. Did you know that women earn 23 percent less of what the avradge working man makes to the dollar, and women work longer hours then most men, and are still getting paid less. Statitics state that it will take up to 300 years to end child marrage and 286 year to close legal gaps and to remove discrematory laws. other problems, such as married women loosing their sexual and reproductive rights, sexual harassment and violance, and female meaultation have been problems that impacted progress of the uprise on gender equality. on the upside child marage and female genatal meuatalation (FGM) has gone down in a few recent years. women have also gotten higher on the political table as well. Gender equality needs to be a fundamental right, reguardless where you live, or what rilidgion you practice. with gender equality, comes a better and healtheyer socitey.
1, what is your opinion on gender equality
2, what would you do to combat gender inequality
3, how quick do you think this problem can be fixed
What is your opinion on gender equality? I think that everybody should be treated the same no matter their gender. They should all get the same hours, pay and everything else in between.
1.) I agree that men and women should be treated equally. Women work just as hard as men and should be credited for their accomplishments and hard work. We are all human, so I think we should all be treated the same, respectful way.
I feel that men and women should receive equal treatment and not be discriminated against based on gender. They should all have equal opportunities in every way, whether it is a job or education. We need to make sure that gender equality doesn't affect our world. Gender equality is a way of peace, and it benefits everyone.
I think that all people should be treated equally throwing aside color and gender. Everyone should have equal pay and treatment from others
I feel like men and woman should be treated equally no matter color, gender, and education. We are all humans so why do we harass and make fun or someone because there different, which everyone is. Both genders should have equal oppertunitys.
I think that Men and women should be treated equally no matter there looks, color, and gender. I think it is an easy fix just to all treat eachother kindly and with respect, but in our world it can be hard for people to be kind to everyone, which I agree, but I think we all need to work on being better about that.
I think everyone should be treated the same because even though both genders are different it doesn't mean that one side gets to do more things then the other. I think gender euality will always be around because it has been around for so long already.
I agree with you. I think that if one gender is able to do somthing so should the other gender, and this goes both ways. I think this is not somthing that should be made a big deal because it is just a change on how you look at others in a positive way.
Everyone should be treated equally regardless of gender, skin color, education, etc. Women and men should be given equal pay for the hours they work. For example, if men work a shorter amount of time and get more pay than when women work a long time and get less pay. This is not fair and needs to be changed.
I agree with what you said. It doesn't matter what gender you are or how you look everyone should be payed the same amount. I also think it is unfair. I think it should be changed but I don't think they will ever change it since it has been around for so long.