Do Teachers and Firearms Mix?

We live in the land of the free, The U.S.A. and we are given many freedoms. Like speech and protest, and a big one that is a hot topic is the right to bear arms. Now the right to bear arms gives freedom to Americans that want to own guns for protecting your home, family, and yourself, as well as other uses like hunting, or trap/skeet shooting.

Now, there are some laws where you can only buy a firearm if you are 18+ and you have to be 21 to buy a concealable weapon. As well as you’re supposed to keep them out of reach of children, but that doesn't mean that kids can shoot guns for things like hunting and sport shooting. Like kids under 16 can shoot youth season without having to do hunters safety and can hunt the rest of the seasons without a parent if they pass hunters safety.

But, sometimes people with mental issues are on their last nerve and snap. They have access to guns. They know a place like a school would have many unarmed people in almost every room. They decide that because of what happened to them that they should hurt innocent kids. What stands in there was a teacher willing to risk their lives to save them. Now what if these teachers were armed, do they become a threat or a bodyguard?

That would just make more of a threat. Schools are made for bags, books, and learning, not guns. If all teachers had a gun in every classroom that is another threat and another opportunity for a student to have access to a gun. At the moment teachers might make quick and poor options and might mistake a law enforcement officer or innocent student as the assailant.

That would give every classroom a bodyguard. In general it just gives every classroom a chance because there are around 20 kids trapped in a small classroom with an armed teacher to protect them, seems a lot better than not being armed. Also it skyrockets security if you had an idea to harm the school but you remember in every class is an armed adult I wouldn't want to mess with the school. As well as most shooters end their lives when met by a gun that isn’t theirs.

What do you think about this conflict?


Are you for armed teachers or against them?


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  • I think teachers should have acesses to guns. But I don't think it should be made public that they hace then guns or where they are kept. I feel like it would be a risky yet smart decesion. We would be able to be protected on one hand. On the other it could get into the wrong hands.

  • I am for armed teachers. I view it as extra protection and security for the students and staff, especially considering the raising number of school shootings. I understand your thought of how it could put the students at risk as they would have close access to a gun, but I beileve that shouldn't be a threat as the teachers would never have the gun off of them. 

  • I agree with how you said " If all teachers had a gun in every classroom that is another threat". Because what happens if the teacher has a mental problem or something else that would affect her in a negative way. But if there was a school shooting and the teacher could stop them with their gun and protect the lives in the school, I also agree with that. In the end I believe 50/50 with teachers having the right to carry a weapon in their classrooms.

    • I think that not all teachers should own a gun, but a teacher who has experienced with guns. Because i dont think school would give a gun to someone with a mentaly dissorder. But I do agree with your other anwsers with the if there was a shooting and the teacher could save a lot of peoples lives.

  • I am for teachers having firearms. I feel if the teacher knows how to use them it would help with schol shootings. on the other side most teachers would get scared not pull the triger and at that point I would thinnk they are pointless. I feel some teachers should some shouldnt.

    • I agree, I believe that teachers should be able to have firearms. I also Think on the other hand I believe that teachers should have the option to opt out of have a firearm if they think they shouldn't have access to firearms or they aren't comfortable using one. Now, for the teacher who would want one should be trained.

  • I think teachers should have the right to carry a fire arm on their person because it would protect the students. Also if students knew that their teacher had a fire arm on them, they would be less likely to shoot up the schools. On the other hand, if someone who is not a student, the teacher will have a fire arm as a act of defense. 

  • What do you think about this conflict? I think that teachers should be able to carry a state issued weapon in the classroom. I think it would make kids who are on the edge of shooting up a school stop because they know that the teachers will have guns and that there will be somone there to stop them. So I think that they shlould be able to carry a weapon and I think it will make more kids feel safer at school. 

    • I agree, I believe that if teachers had weapons then we would not be sitting like ducks we would be protected behind a gun. and I believe that teachers should have the option and I believe that the teachers should be trained and given a gun by the state in a place that the students don't know.

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