


      What is abortion. Abortion is when you have a surprise pregnancy, or you're trying to limit the size of your family but there are two different types of abortions you can have. The first one you can have is a medical one, that is when your baby is hurting you and it needs to come out because it can cause you to have a medical emergency or even death. The second one you can have is an expelled pregnancy, that's when you don't want the baby or you dont think you're ready to be a parent.

      Second, what are the different views on abortion. Well there are two sides: pro choice, and pro life. Pro choice is when you believe that everyone has a basic human right to decide when and whether to have children even when you have an unplanned pregnancy. On the other hand, pro life is when you believe that all human life is valuable. Whether you are preborn, newborn, an elderly person or someone with a disability, because your life matters. 


      In my opinion, I’m not for abortion. Because women do not have the right to choose whether or not to continue their pregnancy. I think it's wrong to even consider an abortion, cause why should you decide to kill another living and breathing human life. Even if you're not financially or emotionally prepared to have a kid, instead of killing that beautiful child you can simply just put it up for adoption so it actually has parents that care about them.


1).  Do people who already have children choose to get abortions?

2).  Why do people have abortions?







-Chloe Swensen 

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  • People who have children still decide whether they do or don't get an abortion. Maybe they could be in a financial struggle and not be able to take care of the child, or it could be tied into their mental structure and not be ready yet in their life. But it would be strange to do that because they typically decide to have an abortion before they already have children. But again it all depends whether they choose to have them or not because its their choice. 

  • In my opinion Abortion should not be supported. It's literally killing someone before they even have a life. It's not fair and shouldn't be allowed. The main cause for abortion is teenagers and people who are unprepared, say you have 2 kids already you are not likely to abort the third.

    • I agree with you because that baby won't even get to live their full life, just because their parents are being selfish and taking thier right to live away.

  • Many people get abortions if they don't or are not ready to be a parent. I think people who have kids would get abortions because if they are happy with, say 2 kids, and they get pregnant with a 3rd, I can see people getting them because of that. My personal opinion is that women should not have the option to abort a child. I believe children should always be given a chance at life and should always feel loved and cared for. 

  • 1.) Usually people do not get abortions when the child is born, but it could definitely happen. People usually do not get them when they are born due to them potentially being teenagers, not mentally prepared, or not wanting to deal with the physical pain.

    2.) As stated in the last question, people usually get abortions due to them potentially being teenagers, not mentally prepared, or not wanting to deal with the physical pain.

    • just because people arn't ready, than should they really become parents.

  • Some people do have abortions after already having children but I think it is more common to have an abortion before having any other babies. The reason why this is more common is because the mother may not feel prepared mentally or financially.

    • just because your not financally or mentally prepared, does not mean you can kill that baby.

  • Many Women chose to do abortion because the are not mentally or financially stable. I belive that people who already have children should not be able to chose a abortion because they already chose to give life to there other kids, so I belive if you have kids or not abortion should not be a choice. 

    • I agree with you, because if you dont feel like being a parent than that should not give you a choice on murdering that child. 

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