


      What is abortion. Abortion is when you have a surprise pregnancy, or you're trying to limit the size of your family but there are two different types of abortions you can have. The first one you can have is a medical one, that is when your baby is hurting you and it needs to come out because it can cause you to have a medical emergency or even death. The second one you can have is an expelled pregnancy, that's when you don't want the baby or you dont think you're ready to be a parent.

      Second, what are the different views on abortion. Well there are two sides: pro choice, and pro life. Pro choice is when you believe that everyone has a basic human right to decide when and whether to have children even when you have an unplanned pregnancy. On the other hand, pro life is when you believe that all human life is valuable. Whether you are preborn, newborn, an elderly person or someone with a disability, because your life matters. 


      In my opinion, I’m not for abortion. Because women do not have the right to choose whether or not to continue their pregnancy. I think it's wrong to even consider an abortion, cause why should you decide to kill another living and breathing human life. Even if you're not financially or emotionally prepared to have a kid, instead of killing that beautiful child you can simply just put it up for adoption so it actually has parents that care about them.


1).  Do people who already have children choose to get abortions?

2).  Why do people have abortions?







-Chloe Swensen 

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    • I agree with that because, why should people choose to kill another human being just because they aren't ready to be a parent.

  • I am pro-choice. I believe that anyone should have the right to their own body. In your first paragraph, you stated that abortion was a "suprise pregnancy " or "there are two different kinds of abortion".There is only one abortion, and that's when you terminate the pregnancy. All abortion is healthcare, no matter the situation. 

    • I do understand that people have rights to their own body's, and that their are diffrent type's of abortions out their. but i do belive that the baby should also have a right to live.

    • You say that you are pro-choice because you believe that everybody should have a right to their own body, but what about the body of the unborn baby? Are they getting the choice as to what happens to their body? No, because they don't have a voice to defend themselves yet. 

  • People that already have children or a child should not be able to change the fact that they are still killing a living being. I know that a lot of people have different opinions on abortion and can be sensitive about this topic but they are still killing their child. The main reason for abortions is that they were not ready to be a parent or just you don't want a baby.

    • I agree with you because, no one sould kill their child just because they feel like thier not ready. plus why should you even have the choice to murder a living being. 

      • Yeah like how can they kill a living being just because they aren't ready it just isn't right. They should have thought about that before getting into that mess then leading them to kill their child.

    • I agree about the killing a child. Because why would any one think of that, it sad to even think about abandoning a child even when the child doesn't have a chocie to live.I think the parents should try to raise it and help the baby as much as possibly, and mabye they have a good chance with the baby. Being able to raise it. 

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