Mr Bruns 360 Message Board (5077)


In recent news the makers of monopoly have decided to get rid of a game piece and replace it with a new fancy one. So until February 5th there will be voting held to see which one will be replaced, the new piece will be chosen from the following a he

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In recent news the deepest hole in the world is for sale. The hole
is at the blue hole bay and is listed for $24 million. The hole is
663 feet deep and is the best place for expert divers. Not too
long ago a diver made it 410 feet down in only one film.

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7 Replies · Reply by 2nd/4th Weston Jan 27, 2013


In recent news the rare Haleakala silversword plant is slowly becoming extinct.  This rare plant is only found on the volcanic slopes in Maui.  The first time it almost died in the 1880s now it is happening again.  There are now only about 28 thousan

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In recent news Germany has decided to move about 700 tons of gold from Paris and New York to their own vaults.  The estimated worth of the gold is $36 billion.  This move was in an effort to bring back the gold that was kept out of the country during

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1 Reply · Reply by 4Liz Jan 17, 2013
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