Another Tattoo!

Bieber gets another tattoo. This is his 2nd tattoo this month. Its roman numerals on his shoulder.

Personally I think that that if this means something to him then get, but if doesn't have a significance why even get it. Why would someone even want roman numerals on their body? Apparently its a spiritual meaning but I don't get it. If u have an idea please tell me this one.

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  • I do not have a problem with tattoo's, actually i would like one. But there is a problem with just getting one because you can; tattoo's last FOREVER you cant just rub it off. I believe that you should have a reasoning for getting it, or it should mean something to you. it would be different if he would be Taylor Swift and get 13 tattooed somewhere on her body, 13 is a special number to her.. i don't think a roman numeral means much to JB.

  • I dont like bieber because he is dumb and this proves it, but maybe it means something to him!

  • Tattoos are okay, and I think they look good but they should have a reason for getting them. Like why would you want something on your body that means nothing to you and you have to look at it for the rest of your life .

  • Roman numerals? reallly?! i think that is very dumb. Tattoos last forever. he's going regret it at some point in his life.

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