Mr Bruns 360 Message Board (5077)


In recent news a T.V. broad casting company in Norway has decided to do a 12 hour special on the subject on burning, cutting, stacking wood.  They will also be playing music and poems throughout the 12 hours, at one point during the broadcast about 6

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Robot Kid

In recent news a boy with life threatening allergies is unable to attend school so instead a robot takes his place.  In his class the other kids think that nothing is wrong and that it is completely normal to have the robot around.  The principle sai

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11 Replies · Reply by 7Addie Feb 18, 2013


In recent news after a meteor that exploded over Russia and hurt around 1,000 people, people in Northern California said they saw a bright flash of light.   The specialists said that fireballs like the one seen happen all over the world and all the t

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In recent news the Nintendo Company in japan is deciding to make Luigi as a main charter in a game on March.   The games are called Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon it will be a 3DS game that was started in 2011. This new game will have a 4 player multipla

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7 Replies · Reply by 6Colin Mar 2, 2013


In recent news a rookie golfer by the name of Daniela Holmqvist was bitten by a black widow during the qualifying round for Women's Australian Open in Yarralumla, Australia.  The next thing that happened was truly amazing.  After being bitten she con

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3 Replies · Reply by 7Caleb Feb 14, 2013

New Pope

In recent news the Pope Benedict XVI has decided to resign his position, so now the cardinals are looking for a new Pope.  They are thinking of electing someone from Latin America, Ghana, or Milan.  They haven’t decided if they want to appoint a youn

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1 Reply · Reply by 8Alex Feb 12, 2013
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