On Monday Pepsi announced it is rolling out "a new way to do mornings" with kickstarts. They are a fruit-flavored Mountain Dew which is healthier than Energy drinks. It will be available in Orange Citrus and Fruit Punch Flavors starting Feb. 25. These drinks are made with Mountain Dew and Fruit juice. These drinks still have more caffeine then regular mountain dew but still have less than Amp.
Kickstarts-92 mg of caffeine
Mountain Dew-72 mg of caffeine
AMP- 142 mg of caffeine
What do you think will these go far or not?
They sound good but unhealthy! They are supposed to be good somehow but still not sure how. Saying they still have 80 calories.
This is really cool that they are making these because they are much healthier than the other energy drinks that you cold be drinking because they have so muck less sugar in it.
Wow I have like 20 of these in my fridge right now. They are not mine but my stepmom's. Its kinda of hilarious.
Personally I would rather not purchase because I don't wanna drink pop in the morning even if it has some fruit juice in it. Not for me.
i havent tried one of these! but i think they would be good, becasue i really do like mt. dew!
ive tired it and i wasnt impressed i think they are okay but not that great i definantly wouldnt waste my money on that again.
I am not one that drinks energy drinks because of the sugar content etc. These sound very unhealthy, and honestly, no one needs that much caffeine in the morning. Eat a good, healthy breakfast to get you going. This is just a waste of money, time, and brain cells! Besides, Mt. Dew does not need more caffeine in their product!
I hear they taste bad, i have never had one but i am not a fan of energy drinks or a whole lot of pop. So i guess its a matter of opinion
This sounds kind of interesting, i wonder what it will taste like. I am not much of a pop fan, so i probably won't try it. I feel like it could end up being a big hit for a while and then later go away. Pop and energy drinks aren't good for you anyways so this isn't much better. But, if you like pop and energy drinks, all the more power to you.
I really want to try one! Its so cool how are they are coming up with all these new kinds of drinks! I can't wait to try one!
I think this a good and creative idea! it is a good way to expand their business. People will buy them most likely.