Friday 10/9/09

The Expasion of Industry 6.1- What items/things allowed the Industrial Revolution to take off in the late 1800s? US had a ton of natural resources, Government support for bussiness Government was very laze faire, growing urban population that provided cheap labor if there was all the laws that are in place now were in place then it may not have kicked off as well, and cities provided markets to sell there goods because there were so many people. Captians of Industry leaders of businesses. Bessemer process way of making steel cheaply so that industries could make more products.What were some new inventions in the late 1800's and what affect did they have on people's lives? The light buld by Thomas Edison, you can work through the night it's much easier than a lantern. Not the first person to make a light buld but improved it so it would last for long periods of time. Christopher Scholls type writter, led onto the key board, revolutionized the work place so that people could type instead of writing. Alexander Gramm Bell telephone, made the world a tiny place.6.2 Age of the Rail Roads- Immigrants were the ones who mainly worked on everything dealing with the rail roads, they later hired women. Many immigrants were killed by native Americans because they felt like they were invading their territory. Railroads were the reason why there's the current time zones created by Professor C. F. Dowd, it use to be that every town had a different time even if it was a small difference.What impact did railroads have on the US? Small towns finally had connections to Cities to get out products when before they never could.Why were many people upset with the railroads?What did the Grangers or government do to regulate the railroads?
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