
JFK powerpoint.Magic Bullet- the bullet was found in the car in perfect condition.Grassy Knoll- people thought that they heard a gun shot from the area. People also saw gun smoke, assuming that a shot came from their direction.Watergate Effect- a watergate is an office hotel system in Washington D.C.. People broke into the Watergate to look for files and information. After this and the war, many people distrusted the government. 80% of people thought that there was a conspiracy.House Select Committee On Assassination- 1979 report., had goals to find out who the assassin or assassins were, and did the government do their job. Came to the conclusion that the president did not recieve adequate protection. Also, thought that Oswald fired the tree shots from the School depository building, but a fourth shot was probably fired from the ground. (Grassy Knoll) Over the years this document has become inaccurate.The three tramps- (AKA homeless people) were found behind the grassy knoll.Was Nixon Involved?- he ran against kennedy during the election. He hated the Kennedy's and was a very paranoid person. He thought that people were out to get him. Nixon was not a very good president because he is mostly remembered for all his mess-ups. Although he did many great things.JFK and Abe Lincoln had many simulaties considering the assassination.
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