
Today in US History, we continued our section projects. the Section 5-3 person was gone today and so was the Section 6-1 person. so we skipped on to Section 6-2.Section 6-2: Age of the RailroadsPullman, Illinois was the big railroad town. Time Zones were created for the purpose of railroads. Richard Ely did not think that Pullman was right, he said it was unAmerican because it was a company town and those were not a good thing back then. Raillroads were a problem for Farmers and always got in their way and the land was supposed to be given to the farmers. Granger Laws helped the farmers protect their land and stop discrimination with how much it costs to get land. Although the laws were said to be unconstitutional, the Granger Laws were passed in 1871.In 1887 the Interstate Commerce Act was passed and they helped secure past laws. it set up the Interstate Commission that monitored the railroads to make sure everyone was treated fairly. Later on, this law was shut down for being "Not Fair" or they weren't legally to do anything about it.
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