10-21-09 Dailys

chapter 8-3Segregation and Discrimination-What laws and restrictions were put on African-Americans and other minorities after Reconstruction ended?-Explain the significance of Plessy v. Ferguson.Aficans fighting agianst legal discrimination they werent happy with there treatment. They were treated bad and want the same rights as white people. Plessy v. Ferguson in 1896 the sepreme court ruled that segragation legal. This did not go against the 14th admendment. Blacks were second class to whits. They were seprated but they were equal but tha was not the case. They never shook hands. They had to yeild to white pedestrions. They had to remove there hats to white people. The whites were in the front and the blacks were in the back. They did burn people who didnt follow the rules. Discrimination in the south, they werent abnle vote until 1887. The 20th centry they couldnt vote and they had to be able to read. If the white man didnt pass he could afford the poll taxes. The grandfather clause is where the white man was able to vote if there grandfather had been regisatered to vote.discrimation in the north was just as bad. They had a new york city race roit in the 1800's. They still had segreganted in the work places. Discrimated in the west native americans were also discrimation. The asians were discrimated and so where the mexicans. Debt peonage was werre the had to work off there debt until they declared it unconstituional. They had to work for free and it would be like there were slaves until the surpreme court ruled in the favor of the blacks.
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