
Today is Wednesday the 21st of October. It seems like there are a lot more people in school this week than there was last week, but there is still a significant portion of the students gone. Erin gave her presentation, on chapter 8, section 3.Ch. 8.3:-What laws and restrictions were put on African-Americans and other minorities after Reconstruction ended? After the reconstruction, the white man imposed his will upon the black community. Blacks had to show complete respect to whites. Blacks had to use separate drinking fountains, attend schools specially run for blacks, and blacks had to ride in the back of the bus, or give up their bus seats to a white person. Blacks were forbidden from shaking hands with a white person, and a black man could not kiss a white woman. Blacks had to remove their hats in respect when a white person would pass by.Any black that violated these and other laws would be beaten, imprisoned, and often lynched (hanged). It was very common for blacks to be lynched all the way up through the 50's. Families would go to lynchings, and it was basically a public sport. Burnings and shootings were also common punishment.-Explain the significance of Plessy v. Ferguson. This was a court case in 1896 where the Supreme court ruled in favor of separation in race. They stated that all men were equal, but blacks were unequal. Basically, the whole law was completely hypocritical.Lumpy did Chapter 8, section 4.Ch. 8.4:-Explain what people did for entertainment in the late 1800's and early 1900's.Tags: During the late 1800's and the early 1900's, people sought out ways to escape the congested and confined ways of city life. The first amusement park was built right in of New York City. Coney Island (which still runs today), was constructed for the amusement of everybody, young and old, fat or skinny, or pink and green. They had contraptions of such amazement and excitment that people were absolutely astounded. People from all over the world came to Coney Island.During this time, bicycling was beginning to become an extremely popular sport for all, even women. Bicycles became one of the reasons that women were able to wear a bit more comfortable articles of clothing. They did not have to wear corsettes, which allowed women to do many more outdoor activities. Tennis began in Wales, and was quickly brought to the U.S. where thousands flocked together to play and watch the new and exciting sport.We had to leave for the end of class, but there was more to Lumpy's presentation.
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